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     The next few days pass by slowly. I haven't been going to breakfast, lunch or dinner. I don't want to sit alone at the Hufflepuff table and I don't feel right sitting at the Gryffindor. When I get hungry I go to the kitchen at night.
     When I am in the Hufflepuff common room I stay in the girl's dorm room. And In classes, I try to just stick with the few Hufflepuff girls who I am kind of friends with. 
     Cedric and Reno haven't tried to talk to me, though I think that they have wanted to. In classes when I see them they glance at me and always look like they want to say something. And when I pass then in the common room they always look like they might try to. But they never do. 
     In the meantime, I have studied for everything I have to the point where there really isn't much more I can study for. So then I move on with Helping Ron study. Most of the times when he and I are studying we sit in the library with Harry.
     And when I'm not doing that I spend time with the twins. Though most of it is them working on pranks and me occupying myself with something else. I just haven't been in the mood for pranks. 
     I have received a letter back from both Sirius and Lupin. Sirius's read - 
                   Dear Charlie, 
      I am doing well, and I hope things are better now. I am sorry it took me a few days to respond. Though it is hypocritical of me to say this I feel I should anyway. As much fun as it is to pull pranks and break the rules there are limits you should have. And be careful with everything you do. I am not going to say you shouldn't do it, but be careful. 
     Your father loved mischief and to pull pranks as well, as did I. Your friends haven't been opened up to the possibilities of it and don't understand. Try to explain it to them. And if they don't understand try and find a compromise or some sort of understanding. 
     Stay safe. I look forward to hearing from you again. 
                                                                      - Snuffles

And Lupins read -
                       Dear Charlie,
     I am sorry to hear that things with your friends are not well. I remember you three being very close when I was teaching. I hope things get better soon. I understand the excitement and joy of pranks and mischief, though I was always more concerned with my school work. 
     I hope that you make that a priority as well and don't neglect it. If you need help I will help gladly. The twins probably do have an influence on you, but it doesn't have to be a bad one. It is okay to participate in such things as long as you are careful and don't overdo it. 
     The best thing you can do is to talk to your friends calmly and try and resolve things. That's all there really is that you can do. I hope that everything turns out well. Until next time. 
                              -Remus Lupin 

     I received the letters yesterday. I have reread them over and over. I know I should try and talk to Cedric and Reno, but I am worried it won't turn out well. I don't know what I would do if I lose them both. 
     I flip the page of the book that Moody gave me. I want to read it all before returning it. I am almost finished. The issue is I get distracted and research the people in it who piques my interest. 
     "I am starting to get a headache from all of this reading," Ron complains as he leans back in his chair. "We have only been at it for thirty minutes," I say with a light laugh. "That's thirty minutes too long," He mumbles as he goes back to his textbook. 
     I look back at the book. I go to the first name on the page. 
 Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Junior. 1962 - 1982: In 1981, shortly after Voldemort's first defeat, Crouch allegedly participated in the capture and torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom along with the Lestranges, using the Cruciatus Curse to drive the two Aurors to insanity. Crouch and his comrades were sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban for their crimes. He spent the rest of his days there. 
     "Hey, Harry. Who was that ministry man that you saw in the forest who is missing now?" I ask curiously. The name is circled and there are handwritten notes that I can't make out. "Barty Crouch. Why?" Harry answers. 
     "This must be his son then," I say, trying to read the handwriting but not having any luck. Harry looks over my shoulder at the book. "Yea, that's him. His father sent him to prison."  "His father?! How could someone do that to their son?" 
     "He was desperate," Harry says shortly. I look back at the book before closing it. "I think that I've read enough of this. I'm going to return it," I stand up. "Is there anything you need before I go?" I ask Ron. He shakes his head. "Thank you for helping," He says with a tired smile. "If you need anything else let me know. See ya Harry," I said before walking off to Moody's room. 
     I knock on the open classroom door before I enter. Moody is standing at the front of the class with Reno. "Is this a bad time? Should I wait outside?" I ask nervously. "What is it you need Potter?" Moody asks sounding irritated. 
     "I just came to return your book," I say while walking forward and setting it on the desk. "Okay. Find it useful?" He asks. I nod. "Yes sir. Thank you." He nods. I glance at Reno then quickly walkout. I stay by the door and wait for him to walk out. 
     When he does he stops when he sees me. He stands there for a few seconds before continuing to walk. "Hey, Reno. Wait," I say while catching up to him. He stops and looks at me. "Is everything okay?" I ask worriedly. "Yea why?" he says stiffly. "You were talking to Moody about something, I wanted to make sure nothing was wrong." 
      "Not that it's any of your business but I was asking to retake a test," He says even more stiffly. "Oh, okay..." He lightly nods then walks away. I sigh and go back to the common room to skip dinner. 

     I sit on the couch and wait for Cedric and Reno to come in, deciding it is time to finally talk to them. When they do they look surprised to see me in here. I wave them over, hoping that they will sit with me. They look at each other before walking over and sitting. 
     "Can we talk?" I ask quietly. "Sure," Cedric says, a small smile on his face. Reno stays silent. "I am sorry for being moody and not spending as much time and not talking as much with you both," I say while looking between then. 
     "And I am sorry for saying the twins are bad influences on you. I just worry about you and I'm not used to the changes you've had," Cedric says sounding sincere. I slightly smile at him then look at Reno. 
     He is looking at his hands. Cedric lightly elbows him. He sighs then looks up. "I'm sorry too," he says shortly. "Do you mean it Reno?" Cedric asks. "Yes, I mean it. I am sorry," he says, his tone lightens a little. 
     "Can we go back to the way things were before?" I ask hopefully. Cedric nods. "Of course." Reno smiles and nods. I smile and let out a sigh of relief. "I can't express how much I've missed you both." 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now