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   Durmstrang and Beauxbaton have been here for a while now after the champions have been chosen now. And I'm still not sure how to feel about them. 
     The Durmstrang students that have crossed my path have all been kind of rude. Which makes sense because they are getting along very well with the Slytherin students.
     The Beauxbatons don't seem horrible. But since they are veela related a lot of the guys are head over heels for them. Reno explained to me that veela part human, part magical beings who appear as young, beautiful women and are native on Bulgaria. Which is kind of annoying. Ron has fallen hard for one of them, poor guy.
     The school has been buzzing with all the talk about the now chosen champions. There are a lot of nasty accusations about Harry coming from so many people that I can't keep count. It is mostly the Slytherin that starts it. But all the other houses, sadly even Hufflepuff, participate in the cruel act. Honestly, I hate to admit that Hufflepuff has been rather cold and rude to Gryffindor altogether.  
      If Slytherin wasn't around then Hufflepuff would honestly probably be the worst when it came to it. They all believe Harry is stealing Cedric's glory. I myself, don't hold anything against Harry. He is only a fourth year, he could never out do Dumbledore's magic. Even if he is the Boy Who Lived.
     It is odd though to have Slytherin act so kindly to Hufflepuff, I have never seen it before. I'm not really sure who created them, but they are large badges that people are pining to their robes that read, "SUPPORT CEDRIC DIGGORY- THE REAL HOGWARTS CHAMPION!" and when pushed turns green and then says, "POTTER STINKS." Despite my best efforts to keep at least Hufflepuff from wearing them, they are being worn by too many people to count. 
     I really want to talk to Dumbledore before things get too hectic with the tournament, which I can now see is going to happen more and more as I let time flow. I'm not sure I want to go alone though.
    Cedric has been really busy with stuff about the tournament. He is constantly being followed around and asked questions. He has had to go to some photoshoots, interviews, and wand checking. Reno is spending most of his time in the library to keep away from all the tournament stuff. 
     So I've made myself promise that I have to talk to him today. The only problem is I still don't know where his office is. I will ask Cedric or the twins to help after Defence Against the Dark Arts since I'm on my way there anyway.
     As I'm walking down the corridor I see Hermione walking with Harry. Where is Ron? It is strange to see them walking apart. I quickly walk over and grab Harry's arm and stop. He turns around and stops. Hermione does too.
     "I need your help," I say a little quietly. He looks at me for a few seconds before looking at Hermione. "I'll catch up with you later." She lightly nods before walking away. I let go of Harry's arm.
      "I have to talk to Dumbledore," I say quickly and quietly. "Okay? So go talk to him," he says sounding irritated. He must be having a bad day, I don't blame him either with all this going on. "I don't know where his office is." "Ask Fred and George. They've been there enough times." I sigh.
     "Please Harry? You understand this kind of things better than the others." He looks at me then sighs. "Alright. Let's go then," he says while starting to walk quickly, I try to keep up.
     "So how does it feel to be a champion for the tournament?" I ask to try to make conversation. He lightly shrugs. "Not as good as it probably feels for Diggory," he must say that since he knows I am close to Cedric. "Cedric mentioned that you say you didn't put your name in or try to enter at all," I say in hopes to start up a conversation. "Yea, because I didn't," he says a little sharply. I imagine that he is having a hard time with this. There probably isn't really anyone who believes that.  
      "Well, I believe you," I say while looking at him. He glances over. "You do?" I nod and give him a light smile. "Yes. I do. And I'm sure with time everyone else will too," I say while trying to motivate him at least a little. He slightly smiles. 
     We get to an empty corridor then walk up to a giant gargoyle. "Sherbert Lemon," Harry says without looking at me. We watch as the giant gargoyle moves to reveal a spiral staircase. Harry walks in. I follow.
     "Are you okay Harry?" I ask him quietly as we go up the stairs. "I'm fine," he responds rather dryly.
     We walk off the staircase we walk into a large circular room that has a lot of odd little tinkers and soft strange sounds. Around the walls of the room hanging there are portraits, all of them asleep. They must be old professors. On one of the higher shelves, the sorting hat is sitting, looking like he too might be asleep. Or perhaps he is just in thought about next year's song.
     On either side in the back part of the room, two staircases come together at the top. Between them, a desk sits with a couple of doors behind it. Next to the desk, there is a stand that has a red and orange bird sitting upon it.
      I stand kind of behind Harry, I have never spoken directly to Dumbledore like this. Actually, I have never been in a room with less than 10 people in it with Dumbledore.
     One of the doors behind his desk open and he walks into the room. His white, long hair combed neatly behind him and his long, white beard tied neatly.
     "Ah, Harry. Miss West. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asks before sitting at the desk. "Actually professor, I was just showing Charlie her way here. I'll be going now," Harry says while taking a few steps back.
     "Nonsense. Stay. I have some matters that I wish to discuss with you anyway. Have a seat," Dumbledore says calmly. Harry sighs then walks over and sits in a chair across from Dumbledore. I slowly walk over and sit in the chair beside Harry.
     "Now, what is it I can do for you, Miss West?" Dumbledore asks while looking at me. I turn slightly red. I really should have given this more thought.
     "Well sir, I don't know if you know anything about it, but I am adopted into a Muggle family. They say that they don't know anything about my real family. I was wondering if there was any chance you knew anything about them? Or if there is any way that I could find them?" I stutter my way through that.
     "I am very sorry Miss West. As far as I am aware I don't know anything about them. And as for finding them my only advice to you would be, don't get caught up in what could have been." I sigh and lightly nods then stand. "Thank you for your time professor," I say disappointed. He lightly nods. "Thanks for bringing me here Harry," I say before walking out and back down to class. 

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