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     Fred and I get to Moody's room in plenty of time. Though his door is open he is not in his room. Fred and I shrug it off then walk in and sit in the front of his class. He takes my hand and pulls it over to him and holds it in both of his. 
     "So what happened this morning? You can normally keep your composure really well. I'd never seen you go off on someone like that before," he says softly. I take a breath then shrug.
     "I had a bad dream last night, and I woke up late, so I never got a chance to shower. So I didn't sleep good and I feel gross. So I was already in a bad mood. And I guess I've been holding in a lot of feelings lately. So I think Versace just tipped me over the edge." 
     His grip on my hand tightens a bit. "Love, you know you can talk to me about how you are feeling right?" He says softly. I lightly shrug. "It's fine. I'm used to it. It was just bigger things this time." He is about to say more when we hear the clanking of Moody's wooden leg coming up. He lets go of my hand turns to the front. I do the same. 
     "Filch is on his way with a bucket and sponges. You both will mop the floor and clean all the desks and chairs without using magic," he says quickly. "I will be in my office with the door open," He says before walking to the back of the class before disappearing into his office. 
     Fred and I give each other shocked looks. I think that we both expected something a lot worse. We shrug it off. It's not like we are going to complain about it. 
     Just as Moody said Finch walks in and sets down a large bucket filled with soapy water and to sponges and then a bag full of rags. "Take it to the kitchen when you are done," He orders bitterly before leaving. 
     Fred and I get up and each get a rag then get on our hands and knees and start scrubbing. "So you really purposefully got detention just so I wouldn't be alone?" I ask curiously. "McGonagall took house points away too," He says while looking at the floor as he scrubs. 
    I slightly smile. He gave up his freedom on a Friday night to sit in detention with me. I feel a bit bad about it, but at the same time, I am a bit happy. It was definitely a very kind thing. I will have to repay him somehow. 

     After three hours Fred and I finally finish cleaning the floor and desks to Moody's liking. The first time we thought we had finished he told us that we needed to do the desks better. Fred and I talked the entire time, Moody either couldn't hear or didn't care because he never said anything to us about it. Having Fred here definitely made it better. 
     Fred uses his wand to carry the bucket to the kitchen seeing how it was too heavy for either of us to pick up. He found it very amusing while watching me attempt. He didn't find it as amusing when he tried to pick it up. 
     Once we get into the kitchen he sets the bucket down and a few of the house-elves rush over to take it from us. We then walk out. "Well I suppose I will see you tomorrow then," I say while smiling up at Fred. He smiles back. "Let's hang out some more," he suggests. "It's almost curfew though, and we are already by my common room," I say a little nervously. I do want to hang out with him more, but I don't want to get in any more trouble tonight. 
     "So? Come on. There won't be many people in the Gryffindor common room soon, just come with me."  "Fred, this was my first detention in a long time. I would prefer to not get in any more trouble anytime soon. Plus I want to bathe."
     He thinks for a few seconds. "Okay, how about this then. You go shower and talk with your friends for a bit, and then at ten-thirty I will wait here for you and we will go to my common room. I swear to you that you will not get in any trouble," He tries to convince. I think about it for a few seconds. "Do you pinky swear?" I ask while swaying back and forth a bit.
     He gets a confused look. "What is a pinky swear?"  "Sorry, it must be a muggle thing. It's where you swear something and we will loop our pinkies together and if you break it then I have to break your pinky," I explain. He lightly laughs and nods. "You will have to tell my dad about that. He will love it. Yes, I pinky swear," He says with a smile before holding his pinky out. 
     I smile too before looping my pinky with his. "Okay. See you at ten-thirty Weasley," I say while taking a few steps backwards. "See you at ten-thirty Potter-West."  "Potter-West?" I ask with a light laugh. "Well, I know you don't know what to do about your name yet." I smile a bit more. I take a few more steps back while waving. He waves back. 
     With that, I walk into the common room to find Reno and Cedric sitting on the couch. They look up at me. "What are you both still doing up?" I ask a bit confused and concerned. "We were waiting for you," Reno says with a small smile. "How was detention?" Cedric asks. 
     "It wasn't too bad. Fred had it too. Moody just made us clean the floors and desks without magic," I say with a shrug. "That's shocking. I heard his detentions are awful," Cedric says shocked. I nod. "Me too." 
     "It's probably because he like you. I think it's because you are Harry's sister. He also probably didn't want to give you detention in the first place, but he had to. He seems to not mind violence if it is fair and has a reason," Reno suggests. That actually makes a good bit of sense. When he turned Draco into a ferret it wasn't for attacking Harry, it was for attacking him when his back was turned. 
     "Come sit and talk with us," Cedric says while scooting over a bit. I shake my head. "I am actually going to shower and then go to bed. Since I didn't sleep well last night and all," I say with a shrug. I am hoping they buy it. I wouldn't mind talking with them, but with Cedric being a prefect I know he wouldn't approve. 
     They look at each other before I guess deciding it is true. Cedric stands. "Okay, well I'm going to turn in then."  "Sleep well. I'll see you guys tomorrow. If the weather is nice do you want to hang out outside?" I ask hopefully. They smile and nod. "Brilliant. Night guys, don't stay up too late Reno," I say before waving at them and walking off to shower. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now