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     As Fred and I walk to the Shrieking Shack I try to keep close to him for warmth. My right hand and arm feel perfectly fine since we are still holding hands, but the rest of me is freezing. I can't tell if he is cold or not. I would imagine he is. 
     "So do you know what you want to happen with you and Harry?" Fred asks when we are closer. "I think so. I think I want us to be family. I would be nice," I answer while thinking. It would be nice. To have an actual family. A family that understands me and won't see me as a freak. 
     I see Harry sitting on an old tree stump in the close distance with Hermine and Ron. When Fred and I get closer Ron and Hermione start to walk towards us, I guess they are leaving so Harry and I can talk. Fred and I stop and look at each other. 
     "I'll see you at the school," I say with a smile that he returns. He nods. "See you later Char." He slowly lets go of my hand. I reluctantly let go and watch him as he walks away with Hermione and Ron. 
     I smile at Harry and walk over and sit on a stump next to him. "Hello, Harry." He smiles back slightly. "Hey, Charlie." We sit in awkward silence for a few seconds. "Can I see that photo again?" He asks quietly. "Yea of course." I get my wallet out and then hand him the photo. He looks down at it. I look at it over his shoulder. 
     "I meant what I said, Harry. I want us to try and be family," I say softly after a few minutes. He lightly nods without looking up. "We could write letters during the summer and visit each other and spend time together." 
     He sets the photo on his lap then looks at me. "So your real name is-?"  "Danielle Lily Potter."  "What do you want people to call you?" I shrug. "I'm not sure yet. I guess for now just Charlie." He lightly nods. "What's your family, you're um, adoptive family, what are they like?" 
     I run my hand through my hair while taking a breath. "Um. They are nice I guess. They are kind of judgemental. They like everything to be perfect. My brother Von is a prick. He never misses an opportunity to call me a freak or point out that I don't have an actual family. My little sister Mazy is sweet. My mom wants everything to be her way, she has to be in control of everything. And my dad just thinks coming here to school is a waste of time and I should be studying with Von." 
     "I think Von would get along with my- er, our, cousin. Dudley. He is like that. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Dursley are pricks too. They like everything being perfect, they are scared of magic. They think it's all freak stuff too. Honestly, in their eyes, I'm just a burden. They probably wish I'd have died with our parents." 
     I lightly put my hand on his back. "If they'd let you I'd say you could move in with me. But once they find out that I went behind them and found out who my real family is I imagine they will be very unhappy. But you can visit as much as you want if I'm not kicked out. We live in London." I give him a warm smile, he does the same to me. Maybe everything will work out. 

     "So you are going to visit Hagrid?" I ask Harry as we walk up to the Castle grounds. He nods. "Hermione and Ron are already there. We are going to try to convince him to come back to teaching," Harry says in regards to the article Rita Skeeter published about him.
     It was a nasty work that talked about Hagrid being part giant and dangerous. Even though anyone who has ever met Hagrid knows he is not dangerous at all. Because of this Hagrid has stopped teaching his Care of Magical Creatures class.  
     "Okay. Tell him that I miss his teaching and that Professor Grubby Plank is nowhere near as good as a teacher as him," I say with a small smile. Harry smiles back and nods. "Okay. See you, Charlie."  "See you, Harry," I say with a light wave before walking into the castle. 
     My cold body instantly starts to thaw out as I walk into the warm building. I walk around for a while looking for Fred. We should have agreed on a place more specific. After I check the Great Hall I decide to check the library. I don't find him there either. I sigh and walk out and think of where else he could be. 
     Suddenly I feel someone grab my waist and yell. "Blaaaahh!" I quickly pull away and turn around to see Fred standing with a mischievous smile. When he sees that I don't look scared his smile leaves. "Did I not scare you?" 
     I lightly laugh and shake my head. "No, I'm sorry." He smiles again. "When you aren't expecting it I will," he says confidently. I cross my arms. "Is that so Weasley?"  He leans against the wall. "It sure is, West. Or should I call you Potter now?" He lightly laughs. 
     I lightly push him while smiling before walking back into the library. He follows. "How did your talk with Harry go?" He asks quietly. "It went good. We are going to do the brother-sister thing," I say with a smile. I look up at Fred to see him smiling as well. "That's brilliant." I nod before sitting on the floor where I usually sit to study or read. He sits next to me.
     We look at each other in silence for a few seconds, small smiles on both of our faces. Well, I suppose this is a good time to ask him what has been on my mind for a while now. "Fred. When we were having that snowball fight, why did you kiss me?" I ask nervously. I feel my face turn a light shade of red. 
     "Why did you kiss back?" He counters. I am taken slightly off guard and I stumble around for an answer. "Um... Because, you know, I um..." He lightly laughs. "See. There isn't really a good way to explain, it is there? I just wanted to." I blush more. He reaches over and gently takes my hand. 
     "We were laying there in the snow laughing, I looking at you laying next to me, laughing and being happy. The snow all over you and surrounding you, your smile, the sound of your laugh, all of it. It was overwhelming how beautiful you were. It felt like the perfect time. So I risked everything and kissed you," he explains softly. 
     My face is a bright crimson, and I can't get rid of the smile on my face. It is so strange to hear him so sweet like this, I'm used to him joking around and trying to make everyone laugh. I move so that I'm sitting on my knees and I gather as much confidence as I have before I lean forward and put my lips to his. 
     He puts a hand on my waist and pulls me a little closer, I can feel his small smile as he kisses me back. I softly put my hand on his cheek, our other hands still in each others. His lips are so warm to mine, my stomach and chest starts to flutter again. It is such a good feeling, I can't help but want more. 
     I let go of his hand and put mine on his chest lightly to move forward and deepen the kiss. He pulls me a bit closer. After a few seconds we slowly part. We look at each other, our faces inches apart. 
     Smiles spread across both of our faces. The fuzzy feeling inside of me slowly starts to disappear. I move my hand off of his cheek but I keep my other on his chest. He keeps his on my waist. I move back a bit so I can see him better. 
     "So why'd you do that?" He asks with a smile. I lightly blush. "I'm kidding," he says quickly before I can answer. I wonder if he feels the same thing as I do when we kiss. Does he feel the flutters? The warm fuzzy feeling? 
    "Hey, Fred?"  "Yea?"  "Can we prank someone?" A wide smile spreads across his face. "You want to prank someone?" I nod. "Of course we can. Do you have anyone specific in mind?" I think for a second before nodding again. "Okay. Let's get to planning." I smile and move away from him so we can get to work. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now