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     The next day being a Saturday was a very good thing for everyone. With all the students who are 17 wanting to out their name in the cup it would be very difficult to find time with classes. Plus, I had some free time to do some reading that I've wanted to do. And write a response to Lupin.
     I decide to skip breakfast, as I'm not usually hungry in the mornings, I'm more sick feeling if anything.
     So I dress in a black sweater and black skinny jeans and sit on the floor in the common room with my book. Maybe today will be a good day. Maybe my mom will write me back.
    Cedric walks over, a smile on his face. "Good morning Charlie." I return his smile. "Good morning Cedric." "Coming down to breakfast with me?" "I don't think so. I'm not really hungry and I wanted to read and write a letter back to Lupin." He makes a fake pouty face. "Aw come on. Please? I'm going to put my name in."
     I think for a few seconds. Cedric is my best friend, I should be there to support him as he does this, even if it isn't really a big deal. Plus I want to see what the goblet does, it is really interesting. I set my book down and stand.
    "Only because I want to support my friend," I say with a smile. He smiles again then walks over and opens the door. I walk out with him.
    "Are you sure you want to do this Ced? You heard what Dumbledore said," I say concerned. He gives me a smile so I will stop worrying. "I am positive Char. This is the time to prove ourselves as Hufflepuff's. I am very sure." I lightly sigh and decide to give up the fight with it and just go with the flow.
   When we get in there it is pretty empty. The goblet sits with a thin, transparent ring surrounding it. It must be the age line Dumbledore drew. Since last night all the decorations in the Great Hall changed from the Hogwarts spirit to Halloween spirit. Lots of bats fluttering around the enchanted ceiling, with hundreds of carved pumpkins sitting every corner. I walk over to a table and sit down. I turn so I am still facing everything.
    I watch Cedric walk over to the goblet and cross over the line. He lifts the parchment and drops it into the blue flames. He lingers there for a second before walking over to me. I smile at him.
     "Well there you go. You are now entered into the Tournament. I honestly expected that to be more exciting," I say a little disappointed.
     Cedric sits next to me and starts to talk to some of his friends about what he would do if he is chosen. I think about going back to the common room but just as I stand the twins walk into the room. Well, more like run. They talk with such excitement and enthusiasm that I can hear them from where I am. I sit back down and watch.
     "Done it. Just taking it," Fred said. "What?" Ron asks. "The aging potion, dung brains," Fred says. "Only one drop each," George says rubbing his hands together. "We only need to be a few months older." "We're going to split the thousand galleons between us if one of us wins," Lee says.
     "I'm not sure this is going to work you know," Hermione says, "I'm sure Dumbledore will have thought of this." The three ignore her.
    I smile at them. "I thought I mentioned to you boys that I wanted in on your plans to enter," I say while crossing my legs. They smile at me. "Sorry West," George says. "If we win we will think about giving you a little of the winnings," Fred says, also smiling. "Mhmm. Sure," I tease.
     "Ready?" Fred says to George and Lee. "Come on then. I'll go first."
    And so he does. He steps over the line with a piece of paper that says Fred Weasley : Hogwarts. George's excitement grows as he holds his own paper, and goes over with him. Both of them let out a yell of triumph as the circle seems to have failed.
    Then a loud sizzling sound comes and both of the twins are thrown out of the golden circle and land painfully ten feet away on the stone cold floor. To add insult to the injury there was a loud popping noise and both of them sprouted identical long, white beards.
    I can't contain my laughter. And I'm not the only one. Everyone starts to laugh, even Fred George and as get to their feet again and looked at each other. "Fred I don't want to alarm you but you don't make a very attractive old man," George jokes. "Whatever. I am still the better looking one," Fred replies.
     "I did warn you," Dumbledore says with a light laugh. Coming into the Great Hall. "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She's already tending to Miss Fawcett of Ravenclaw and Mr Summers of Hufflepuff. Both of them decided to age themselves up a little too. But I must say, neither of their beards are anything as fine as yours."
     They look at me. "What do you think West? Who is the better looking one?" Fred asks, even under the white mess of a beard you can see their grins. "It's obviously me right?" George says.
     I turn a light shade of pink. "Hmm... Well, I would have to say..." I pause for anticipation. "I have a letter to right. See you boys later," I smile at them and start to walk away. "You didn't answer!" They yell after me. I stop and look back at them, I look directly at Fred and wink before continuing to walk.
     Wait a second, what the hell did I just do? I just winked at them! Specifically, Fred! Why?! I didn't even think about it before I did it! Was I flirting? I think about the entire conversation. Is that flirting? I couldn't possibly have been flirting. Not me. Never. 

    To get to get my mind off everything I go to the library. I am pretty successful with it. I write my letter to Lupin. And about an hour later, I'm almost finished.
     I look up as Neville walks over to me, a letter in his hand. He holds it out to me and I take it and give him a small smile. "Thank you." He returns my smile. "You're welcome Charlie," he says before walking away.
     I open the letter from my mother. It is short and definitely not sweet. It simply says that she doesn't want to lose anything of importance, my birth certificate or adoption papers, so she isn't going to send them and she isn't going to send me any letters replying to anything I ask about the situation.
     I sigh and fold the papers and put them in with my stack of parchments then continue my letter.
     I tell Lupin that Cedric, Reno and the twins are helping me here. I tell him how the twin's said that their older brothers might be able to help too. I explain all the ways he could help. By talking to some adoption agencies in London and near London, maybe even looking into something from the ministry.
     When I finish the letter I gather all my things and lean back against the bookshelf and open my book that I have been unfortunately neglecting and take this time to read some while I can.

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