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     The next few days I spend with Cedric and Reno. Fred and George both seem happy to see that everything is okay again and don't question anything. By the time the next week starts everything is back to normal. 
     Cedric, Reno and I walk into the Great Hall for breakfast and take a seat. Cedric is noticeably nervous as tonight is the night of the third task. I pick up the paper that is laying on the table and read the headline. HARRY POTTER "DISTURBED AND DANGEROUS"   "What is this rubbish?" I mutter as I read the article written by Rita Skeeter.
     It talks about how Harry is supposedly dangerous and mentally ill and shouldn't be going to school, let alone compete in the final task. It brings up that he can speak Parseltongue, how he has occasional headache around his scar, and how he is friends with a werewolf and giant. It also briefly talks about how I am violent and have recently broken a girls nose and gave her a concussion. 
     "This is all rubbish. Harry isn't violent or disturbed. Why is Skeeter out for Harry?" I ask angrily. "She is just posting gossip in hopes to get a following and for the publicity," Reno says while getting a plate of eggs. 
     I look at Cedric who is picking at his toast. "Hey, you are going to do great tonight Ced, don't worry about it," I say with an encouraging smile. He forces himself to lightly smile back. He quickly eats the toast then stands. "I'm going to go to see my parents. I'll see you guys later," he says before walking off with Fleur and Krum. 
     I look at Harry who is sitting across the room. "I am nervous to meet Ludovic's parent's today," Reno says. I smile at him. "They are going to love you. How could they not?" He slightly smiles. 
     "Harry! Come on, they are waiting for you," Cedric says walking standing in the doorway of the side chamber. "Charlie you too!" He adds before going back inside. I give Reno a confused look. "Who would be waiting for me in there?" I ask confused. 
     "You are Harry's sister. He is supposed to go see his family. Maybe since you are his family they want you there," Reno says with a shrug. I suppose that makes sense. I stand up and walk over and walk inside the room. 
     Cedric and his parents are standing next to the door, all of them have smiles on their faces. Krum is with his parents in the corner of the room. On the other side of the room Fleur, her sister and brother and parents are all talking in French. 
     Finally, I spot Harry with Bill Weasley and a short, round woman with a wide smile and flaming red hair. I nervously walk over, worried that I'm interrupting. Bill looks at me and smiles. 
     "Charlie! This is quite a difference from the last time I saw you, how are you doing?" he asks. I can't help but smile back. The last time he saw me was the night of the Ball, the night I found out who my family is. 
     "I'm doing alright, what about you?"  "I'm doing good. Mum this is Charlie, Harry's sister," Bill says to introduce me. I smile at her and am about to talk when she quickly speaks. "Oh, I know who she is! How could I not! They look just alike!" she says with a wide smile. She comes over to me and throws her arms around me in a right hug. 
     I can't help but smile as I lightly hug back. When she lets go she is still smiling. "I have heard so much about you from Fred!"  "Nothing bad I hope," I say with a smile. "Of course they aren't!" I look at Harry, my smile still wide. 
     "I should be getting to class. It was very nice to meet you and to see you again," I say looking between Bill and Mrs Weasley. "It was nice to finally meet you too dear," Mrs Weasley says with a smile. Bill waves, a smile also on his face. "I'll see you later Harry."  As I walkout Cedric's parents wave at me, I smile and wave back. 

     When I walk into Defense against the Dark arts. Cedric is still with his family. I take my usual spot next to Fred and George. They smile at me. "Ready for tonight?" They ask together. "Definitely not. But I suppose I am more ready than Harry and Cedric are," I say while getting out my quill. 
     "I met your mum this morning," I say with a smile. They share a look of confusion. "Her and Bill came to watch the tournament tonight," I explain. "Tell your family about me often Fred?" I ask with a small smirk. 
     He lightly laughs. "I told them about you when I asked if I could go with your family on that trip," He says with a wide smile. "Oh, I see," I say rolling my eyes. He laughs. "Really, that's it." 
     "Are you ready for tonight?" George asks, seeming excited. I suddenly stop smiling. "Not really," I respond. "Why not? It's going to be exciting!" Fred says, a smile on his face. "I don't want Harry or Cedric to get hurt," I say trying not to think of all the bad possible outcomes.
     "Oh they will be fine," Fred assures. "Dumbledore won't let anything bad happen," George adds. They both sound so confident about it, yet it still doesn't convince me.

     When lunchtime rolls around I take my usual spot at the Hufflepuff table with Reno, Cedric hasn't gotten here yet. Reno gives me a slightly shocked look. "What are you doing here?"  "What do you mean? I'm having lunch," I answer a bit confused. "Why aren't you sitting over there with Harry and the Weasleys?" 
     "Am I supposed to?"  "I would think so. Cedric said that Cho is going to sit with him and his family here when they get in here. And I'm going to sit with Ludovic's family," He says while looking around a bit. "Oh, okay. I guess I will see you later then," I say before standing. 
     I guess it makes sense. Supporting my brother before the tournament. But I also want to support Cedric. But this is also my boyfriends family, so maybe it would be better if I sat at the Gryffindor table with them. I would be lying if I didn't say I was a little nervous though. 
      No one notices as I take a seat next to Fred, apart from him. He smiles brightly at me. "Decide to join the cool table today?" I smile at him, but before I get a chance to speak it feels like I have everyone talking to me at once. 
     I take a minute to process and decipher what everyone said. Mrs. Weasley asked how I am doing, George said long time no see, Harry told me hi, and Ron said thank you for helping study. I try not to get overwhelmed by all of the sudden attention. 
     "Let the poor girl breathe," Bill says with a light laugh. "It's no problem, Ron, I'm happy to help. I'm doing good," I say with a smile. Mrs. Weasley smiles at me. "Are you excited about your trip dear? I know Fred seemed very excited when he wrote asking if he can go," Mrs. Weasley says while looking between Fred and me. 
     "I am looking forward to it I suppose," I say with a smile. "How long will it last?" She asks curiously. "I'm not sure. My parents were very vague while talking about it. They just said that they are hoping to leave the week school ends." 
     I get a small plate of food and mostly listen while smiling ass everyone talks. everyone seems so happy. I don't think I've ever seen Harry look so happy. It's almost like everyone forgot about the tournament. 
     The rest of the day and all my classes seem long and to drag on. I can't stop thinking about what's to come later tonight. I try not to but my mind always wanders back. When dinner rolls around Reno and I sit with Cedric and his family. Cho sits on the other side of Cedric. 
     There is a lot more food than usual, but none of us (apart from Cedric's dad) eats very much. His father is very confident in him, and Reno and I can tell that it makes him more nervous. Cho holds his hand under the table and tries to make him feel better. 
     "Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes time I will be asking you to please make your way down to the Quidditch field for the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Will the champions please follow Mr. Baagman down to the stadium now," Dumbledore says loudly. 
     Cho gives Cedric a hug and is wishing him good luck. Before they part he kisses her cheek. He then gives his parents a hug and they also wish him luck. Reno tries to encourage him. I try to smile at him before giving him a hug. "Be careful Ced," I whisper before we part. 
     I hurry over to Harry before he leaves and give him a hug. "Good luck Harry, and be careful," I tell him. He gives me a small smile before following the others. I make my way back over and sit with the Diggory's and Reno and we all wait. The room filled with anticipation. This is going to be the longest five minutes ever. 

Finding Yourself : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now