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     "I'll meet you guys later," I say as we walk into the small village. They all look at me. George smiles. "Alright, I'm going to walk around and see if I can find Bill and Charlie."  "I'll go with you. I'll see you around West," Ron says with a half-smile. He hasn't seemed the same since whatever happened with him and Harry happened. He always seems sad.
      "I think I'll stay with West. I don't want to leave her alone," Fred said, slowing his pace to meet my own. "You don't have to," I said feeling guilty. He smiles and nods. "I'm sure." A small blush creeps across my face. "Alright. See you guys in a bit," George says with a wave before walking off.
      Fred turns to me, his smile still stuck on his face. "So where are we going? North? South? East? West? Which way West?" Amusement is written all over his smug smile. I lightly shake my head, smiling.
     "That has to the worst joke ever," I say while walking in the direction of where I can get my hair cut. "Why do you guys still call me West? Not on a first name basis yet?" I ask curiously. "Just a habit I think. It's a little weird calling you Charlie, with my brother and all." I hadn't thought about that. I guess that would be strange.
      "You still haven't answered my question," he says after a moment of silence. "I'm going to be getting my hair cut," I answer while looking up at him. "Your hair? Why?"   "Because I can't stand when it gets past my chin."   "Why?"   "It gets really messy and hard to brush," I answer while running my hand through my once again already tangled hair. 
     He reaches over and gently runs his hand through it, his fingers getting caught in all the tangles. I try to hide the deep blush that is covering my face. He pulls his hand away. "I see what you mean." 
     I walk up and open the door and walk inside. Fred follows behind me. I look back at him. "You don't have to stay, it is going to be boring for you," I say feeling kind of guilty. He smiles at me then takes a seat by the door.
       The entire time throughout the cut Fred and I kept making eye contact. It sort of feels like he was watching the entire time. I guess though in his defence there wasn't anything else to do. Every time our eyes met I could feel my face turning warm. I have no idea why. 
    I hand the man some money when he is finished. It took about 20 minutes, at most. I have never had my hair this short before, but when I look in the mirror and run my hand through my now pixie cut hair I think I prefer it like this. It still looks pretty messy, but this seems like it will be easier at least. 
    I walk over to Fred who stands and smiles at me. "It looks good." I lightly blush before walking out with him behind me. "Is that how you usually get it?" He asks. "No. I usually get a bob sort of thing. It's never been this short," I say, still running my hand through it. 
      "Well, I think it looks nice on you," I turn red again. What is going on? With both of us? "What should I expect with your brothers?" I ask getting kind of nervous. "Well, they are both pretty outgoing and laid back. You don't have anything to worry about." 
     I lightly nod, still nervous. I don't know why either. I mean, I am normally nervous when I meet people but this feels different. Maybe it is because I don't even really know the twins very well yet. Or because the circumstances on which we are meeting. 
     "Do you really think they will be able to help?" I ask curiously. He lightly nods. "Yea. I think so." 
        Before the conversation can continue we are met by a group of Slytherin's, leading them is none other than Malfoy.
      "Well, look what we have here. Mudblood and blood traitor together," he says in amusement. I sigh and see the already growing irritation on Fred's face. "What do you want, Malfoy?" Fred asks.
     "I don't want anything from you, Weasley," Malfoy snaps. "There isn't anything you could give anyone. Not that they would want or would be of any value," Versace sneers. Fred shakes his head. "Whatever you say. Now we must bo going," Fred then puts his hand on my waist and turns us around to start walking. 
     My face gains a bit of a rosy tint. "Isn't that sweet. Blood traitor and mudblood," Versace says sarcastically. "Tell me, Weasley. Does she taste like mud too or is it just in her blood?" I stiffen slightly and my face turns redder. Both from anger and embarrassment. 
     The group of Slytherins start to laugh. Fred quickly tries to turn around but I keep walking and won't let him. "Letting them get to you will make it worse," I whisper to him. Knowing I'm right, he forces himself to keep walking with me, leaving the Slytherin group behind us. 
      "They are going to regret they said anything to us in a few hours," Fred says once we are out of earshot. I look at him curiously. "What do you mean?" He gives me a small smile. "Fred, seriously, please just leave it alone. It isn't a big deal." 
    "Isn't a big deal? Char, they shouldn't be able to call you that and say that kind of stuff about you."   "I know, but there isn't anything ew can do to make them stop. And if we were to try it would probably just make matters worse for us both," I say in hopes he will just drop the situation and forget about it. 
    He sighs again. "Fine. But next time-"   "- No, nothing will happen then. It doesn't bother me," I lie. He looks at me for a few more seconds to try to determine if he believes me. It takes all the strength I have not to turn red. After he finally decides he believes me he lightly shakes his head and keeps walking with me.  

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