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     The days pass by quickly and before I know it they pass into weeks. Then before I am prepared for it the second Hogsmead trip of the year is only a day away. The first few days after Fred asked me to go on a date with him I couldn't stop thinking about it. It kept me in a good mood with just the thought of it. first a kiss and now a date. 
     But soon school work caught up with me and clouded the thought of it and distracted me. The teachers, especially Snape, Moody, and McGonagall, really piled the work high. It started to stress me out to the point where I had to stay up late just to finish it. Due to all the late-night homework I am often waking up late, and due to that I am not dressing or looking nice recently. 
      I don't really care about what people think of my appearance, but even Reno and Cedric have noticed there is something off with me. I don't hang out with them as much due to the work and other stresses. The only time I really see them is in class, at meals, and if we work on work together. I only see the twins in classes, I only see Harry when we pass in the corridors. All of us are just busy. 
     I also can't stop thinking about the newfound information about being a Potter. I don't know how to handle the situation. I don't know if I should start using my birth name or given name. If I should write to y mother and tell her what I know or not. I don't know if I should be openly telling people or not.
     Though somehow the news about me being a Potter is quickly spreading. I'm not sure exactly how though. Maybe someone overheard me talking about it or Harry talking about it. Or maybe someone overheard the joke George made about Harry and I looking like twins. I'm not really sure, but I don't like the attention I get from it. 
     No one has really approached me about it, really I only get weird looks. Even some of the teachers look at me weird now. For the most part just Snape and Moody. I try my best to just ignore it and continue with my school work. Maybe that's why I am working so hard, as a distraction. 
     I walk into the Great Hall for dinner and make my way to the Hufflepuff table to take my spot next to Cedric and Reno. They look at me and give soft smiles as they start to fill their plates. I do the same. 
     "Please tell me you are going to get some beauty sleep tonight," Reno says while keeping his eyes on me. "I'll go to sleep once I finish my potions essay," I say with a shrug. "You might be up for hours," Cedric chimes in. "So? Tomorrows Saturday. I'll just sleep in. I should catch up on some sleep anyways." 
     "You aren't wrong there. But you can't sleep in tomorrow," Reno says, seemingly forgotten his food. I take a big bite of mashed potatoes. "And why not?" They both make a slightly disgusted face. "Because tomorrow is the Hogsmead visit," Cedric reminds me. I choke on the potatoes. 
     I quickly take a drink of pumpkin juice to clear out my throat than look at them wide-eyed. "It can't be," I say in shock. They don't say anything. Though they both seem to remember their food. 
     "You have had your nose stuffed in books, homework, and essays so long you haven't kept track of the days," Cedrick says as he eats some rice. "I'm not prepared for this at all, I can't do it. I can't go on a date with Fred Weasley. I'm not there mentally at all," I say while shaking my head. 
     "No, you have to Char. You can't miss the opportunity," Cedric says while in between bites. "No. I can't. I will just spend the day with you two as normal."   "No, you need to go with Fred," Cedric says with a light laugh. 
     "He is being nice about it. He has a date with Cho and I have a date with Ludovic," Reno says quickly. I sit quietly for a few seconds before pushing my food away, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore. 
     "You both have dates?..." They silently nod as they keep eating. "When and why did I become the loser single friend?" I ask kind of quietly. "You don't have to be the single friend. You have a date lined up that could change that," Reno points out. 
     I sigh. "I know... But I haven't mentally prepared for this at all... I have no confidence right now... All I have been able to think about is school and my family..."    "Maybe this is a good thing then," Cedric suggests. 
     I give him a small confused look. "You always have fun when you are with him. He distracts you and seems to make you happy. Maybe it'll help," He explains. That's true. I do always enjoy being with Fred. I never know what's going to happen. 
     "That's true," I say while trying to warm up to it. I pull over a bowl of pistachio pudding and get a spoonful. "I can do it. I will go to sleep early and I will go on my first date," I try to boost myself and sound as confident as I can.
     "Good! We are proud of you!" Cedric says with a smile. Reno joins in. "Yes! Like proud fathers!" Cedric and I look at him. He lightly laughs a bit embarrassed at his joke attempt. "You should bathe tonight though," He points out as he goes back to his food. 
     "I will in the morning. My hair frizzes if I sleep with it wet."   "You should tonight. It'll help you sleep better." He isn't wrong. I nod in agreeance. If I let it dry before I sleep I should be fine. "So how are you both doing in your relationships?" I ask while looking at them. 
     "Ludovic and I are doing really good. He's arranging for me to meet his parents when they come to watch his sister during the last task," Reno says with a smile. "Wow, hows your poetry going?" Cedric asks with a light laugh. "Very well thank you. Ludovic seems to be a sort of muse." 
     "It's weird to see you like this. I'm used to you acting like all that stuff is just a waste of time," I say while finishing my pudding. "What can I say? I've changed," He says with a smile. I smile back. I'm happy that he is happy. I hope it lasts. 
     "What about you Ced? How are you and Cho?"   "We are good as well. She's doing a bit of research to help with the egg. We try not to spend all of our time with that though. We prefer to enjoy each others company and make memories while we're still in school." 
     "So sit around and snog?" Reno asks sounding all too serious. Cedric gives that small smirk of a smile he does. "Not necessarily."  "Mhmm. I'm sure." A lot of people start to get up and leave the room. "Well, whatever you guys are doing be careful and safe. I'm happy you both are happy," I say with a smile before I stand. 
     "You going to bathe?" Reno looks up at me. I nod. "I'll see you boys in the morning. Don't let me sleep too late. Sweet dreams," I say before walking off. I push my hair out of my face as I walk out of the Great Hall. 
     "Charlie!" I hear someone should from behind. I stop and turn around to see Harry walking quickly over. "Hey Harry, everything okay?" I say slightly surprised. This is the first time I've talked to him since I told him I'm his sister. He stops in front of me and nods. "Yea."
     We stand in silence for a few seconds and watch people walk by us to their common rooms. I look at Harry. "So what's up?"   "I um, I wanted to talk to you about everything," he says sounding a little nervous. I lightly nod. "Okay. Do you want to meet sometime tomorrow and talk?" 
     He lightly nods. "We could meet-"  "Hey Charlie! I haven't seen you in a while," Fred says with a wide smile as he walks up. I can't help but smile back. "I've been busy." Fred looks at Harry and I and his smile fades a bit. "Am I interrupting?" Harry lightly shakes his head. "No."  "I'll only be a moment. I just had a question," Fred says quickly. 
     I push my glasses up on my nose and then cross my arms behind my back and wait for him to ask what he wants to ask. "Are you okay with meeting at Honeydukes in the morning?" He asks, a small bit of nervousness in his voice. I turn a light red then nod. "I'm okay with that." His smile widens. "Brilliant. See you tomorrow!" He says before walking off. 
     I look back at Harry, the smile still plastered to my face. "Sorry about that."  "It's okay. What's going on tomorrow?" He asks curiously. 
     "Oh, um, Fred and I kinda have a date," I say while turning a bit red. He looks slightly surprised. "You are dating Fred?" I turn a bit redder. "No, we are going on a date."  "And you kissed during the snowball fight," he points out. By this rate, I am going to turn into a tomato. 
     I stand a bit confused for a few seconds on why he seems to care before it hits me. I slightly smile. "Are you already doing the protective brother thing, Harry?" He looks a bit taken aback, then after a few seconds, I don't think he knows how to respond. He slightly shakes his head. 
     "If you aren't too busy with Fred then we could talk at the shrieking shack," he says going back to what we were talking about in the first place. "I will make time. Is the afternoon okay?" He nods. "See you tomorrow." I smile at him. "Have a good night Harry." He slightly smiles back before walking away. 
     I take a breath. Maybe all this will help my stress a little. I shake it off and walk off to take a shower and go to bed. 

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