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    When we walk into the house we are greeted by warmth from a fire in the fireplace. I didn't even notice that I was shivering until then. Though it does make sense. It is snowing outside and I am in a spaghetti strap dress.
      George looks at me and takes off his jacket and holds it out to me. Normally I would say no, but I am really cold. I take it and slide it on. It's huge on me. That's okay. "Now, he should be here soon. Can I have a word with Charlie along a moment?" Lupin asks while looking at George and Bill. 
     They start to walk to the next room but I stop them. "Wait, before you go I just want to say thank you to everyone. This is a huge risk for all of you in so many ways and thank you a lot," I say gratefully. They all give me a half-smile. 
     "We are happy to help," Lupin says before putting his hands in his pockets. "We are," Bill says before giving a small smile and walking out of the kitchen. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to help," George says before he follows. Lupin sits in a chair and I sit in the other one. 
      "I really didn't think you would approve of this. Especially since it means I had to leave the school and meet with a criminal," I honestly say. "It took a lot of convincing," Lupin says while glancing at the dog. He is now sitting on the floor in between us. Now that I am actually sitting and in a warm room I realize how cold I am and how tired I am. 
     Realization suddenly hits me. I can't believe I didn't know who this dog was before. All of the clues were right in front of me. Just like when Lupin was a teacher and I found out he is a werewolf.
      "Though I don't completely approve because like you said, this is very dangerous and illegal. But it is important to find out who you are and who your family is. I also think that we should have figured out a different day. You and George should be enjoying the ball." 
     I lightly shrug because of the last part.  "I do feel bad for ruining George's night. I didn't really have much on an interest in the ball though. It was mostly my mother." I look down at the dog and slightly smile. "He doesn't seem to mind."
     I still feel bad. He should be there having fun with Fred. I hope Fred is having fun. Even if he is there Angelina. I hope he has fun. I hope Cedric is having fun with Cho as well. Though I am pretty sure he is. I hope he isn't worrying too badly about me. I hope Reno is having fun with his date as well. Especially Reno. He deserves it a lot after everything that he has been through recently. 
     "Can I ask you a question?"I ask feeling a little nervous about it. "Of course."  "Why is Sirius Black here? I don't mind or anything. I'm just curious." Lupin looks very surprised. He lightly laughs. "I forgot how bright you are." I look down at Sirius, even in dog form he looks surprised. 
       I don't say anything. "He doesn't like being cooped up in hiding and moving from place to place. Sometimes being of some use can mean a lot. Especially in a dangerous situation like this." I look at Sirius as Lupin talks, for confirmation of sorts I suppose. 
      I look back up at Lupin. "Isn't he a murderer?"  "No. He was framed. He is an innocent man," Lupin says very seriously. 
      There is a knock on the door. Lupin looks at the time. "He is early," He says sounding irritated. Sirius walks to the kitchen while Lupin goes over to open the door.
     My heart is racing so fast I feel like it might pop out of my chest. I have never felt so nervous before. I don't know how to calm myself down. I concentrate very hard on not scratching myself as Lupin opens the door.  

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