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    When we arrived I follow the crowd of students off the train into the pouring rain. All of them now in their robes. Including me in my Hufflepuff robes and Reno in his as well. Cedric never ended up coming back, that's alright. I got a lot of good reading done. It was well needed too. I also had a pretty good chat with Reno. So it isn't a big deal. 
     I scan the sea of people for him, but am unable to spot him. Reno can't either. Which blows away my theory that I can't see him is me being short. I do however spot the Weasley twins. I hurry over to them. "Hey, do you guys happen to know where Cedric is?" I ask hopefully. They look around before looking back down at me. "No, sorry," They say at the same time.
     I sigh and look around again. I want to hurry onto a carriage before I get soaked. "Charlie! Reno!" I hear Cedric's familiar voice yell. I look around until I spot him walking over. I give him a smile. He is holding a newspaper over his head to try and prevent from getting as wet.
     "Come on, let's get on a carriage," he says while walking over to one and letting me get on first. I climb in and sit and watch as he climbs in after and takes a seat next to me and Reno sits on the other side of me. I look at the people across from us and see Fred and George.
     "Hey West, I think I found Diggory," George says with an amused smile. I roll my eyes at the joke. "Charlie I am so sorry for not coming back. I just got caught up in talking with everyone," Cedric apologizes. He sounds and looks very sincere, but I didn't think he needed to apologise anyway.
     I smile at him. "It's fine. I understand," I say while moving so I am sitting kind of diagonal in the seat so I can see everyone without turning my head much. He smiles at me. "I still feel horrible. You sat by yourself and-" "By herself? What am I? A grain of sand?" Reno says pretending to be offended. 
      Cedric lightly laughs. "No, I just didn't know you sat with her," Cedric defends. "You should have known. I'm not the type to leave my friends sitting by themselves on a train," Reno shoots back. "It was only for a few minutes," Cedric says, not being able to tell that Reno is kidding. 
     "Are you boys ready for Quidditch this year?" I ask quickly to break them apart. They all kind of glare at one another. The twins must still be upset at us for beating them last year.
     Cedric tried to get them to schedule a rematch since we didn't think it was fair that right as both Harry and Cedric went for the snitch Harry passed out from the dementors that were plaguing the school last year.
     "We definitely are," they say at once. Cedric smiles, he has a very specific smile during certain conversations. This is like the confident smirking smile that looks beautiful on him. "I am more than ready. Are you ready Charlie?" He says. I smile. "I think I am. I'll need to practice a lot. I don't get to play when I'm at home," I answer.
     "You might want to try seeker this year. You have pointed out to me where it was a few times and I wouldn't have ever seen it," Cedric encourages. I lightly laugh. "Cedric you're the seeker. I'm perfectly fine with being a chaser," I say amused that he is still trying to get me to try out for seeker. He has tried every year so far.
     "You could try being a beater like us," Fred says while smiling. "Yea. It always brightens up your day when you can hit someone with the bludger," George adds. "Especially when it is those Slytherin pricks," Fred adds.
     Cedric and I both lightly laugh. "Sorry boys, but I would suck at that. I don't like hurting people and I don't have the upper arm strength," I say turning a light red. "Well, we are looking forward to going up against you," Fred starts. "And beating you," George finishes. Cedric does that smile again. "We'll see," is all he says.
     Moments later the carriage stops and we get out. They all let me get out first, I wait for Cedric before walking up and inside the castle. As soon as we enter I let out a small, surprised scream when a huge red water balloon is dropped onto my head, exploding as soon as it makes contact, soaking me completely.
     I look up while taking pieces of red rubber out of my now soaked dark brown hair. Peeves the poltergeist is circling the air while laughing.
     I look at Cedric and Reno who both look like they are trying to suppress a laugh. Cedric reaches out and gently picks some red rubber out of my hair, and I can't help but lightly laugh. 
     "Come on, before you get hit too," I say while turning back to walk into the Great Hall, Cedric walks next to me, Reno in front. Other students following and walking in front of us. We walk over to the Hufflepuff table and take a seat.
     "Who'd they get for the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?" I ask curiously while glancing up at the staff table. I don't see anyone new.
     Cedric shrugs. "I have no idea. Maybe one of the old teachers is filling in or something." I shrug it off, we'll find out soon enough anyway.
     The doors open and Professor McGonagall walks in with a line of first-year students behind her, silence falls over the hall. They are all soaking wet. The first years ride up to the castle by boat across the lake, with how hard it is raining out they might as well have swum over.
     McGonagall walks to the front, the students stop as she sets a stool in front of them with an old Wizards hat upon it. Everything is silent until it opens a wide mouth like flap and starts to sing. 

    "A thousand years or more ago,
When I was newly sewn,
There lived four wizards or renown,
Who's names are still well known:
Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,
Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,
Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,
Shrewd Slytherin, from Fen.
They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,
They hatched a daring plan
To educate young sorcerers
Thus Hogwarts School began.
Now each of these four founders
Formed their own house, for each
Did value different virtues
In the ones they had to teach.
By Gryffindor, the bravest were prized far beyond the rest;
For Ravenclaw, the cleverest would always be the best;
For Hufflepuff, hard workers were most worthy of admission;
And power-hungry Slytherin loved those of great ambition.
While still alive they did divide
Their favourites from the throng,
Yet how to pick the worthy ones
When they were all dead and gone?
'Twas Gryffindor who found the way,
He whipped me off his head
The founders put some brains in me
So I could choose instead!
Now slip me snug about your ears,
I've never yet been wrong,
I'll have a look inside your mind
And tell where you belong!"

      Everyone claps when the hat finishes its song, every year it sings something new to start off the sorting. McGonagall starts to unroll a scroll.
     "When I call out your name you will put on the hat and sit on the stool. When the hat announces your house you will go and sit at the appropriate table," she glances at the first years before continuing on to the first name. "Ackerlry, Stewart!"     
     A small boy who is shaking from nerves slowly walks over and picks up the hat, sits and sets it down upon his head. "RAVENCLAW!" The hat shouts. The Ravenclaw table cheers as Stewart takes off the hat and quickly goes over to the Ravenclaw table and takes a seat.
      "Baddock, Malcolm!" "SLYTHERIN!" It's the Slytherin table's turn to cheer. "Branstone, Eleanor!" "HUFFLEPUFF!" Finally, it's our turn to cheer. Cedric and I clap with a smile as Eleanor walks over and sits at our table. This goes on until all of the first years are finally sorted.
     McGonagall picks up the hat and stool and carries them away while Dumbledore stands. He smiles around before saying, "tuck in." Then all the dishes on the long tables filled with food. Everyone starts to out food onto their own plate, including myself.

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