Chapter 34

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He began to kiss my neck and I closed my eyes; allowing him to touch me as he pleased.

"I love you, so much," he whispered against my skin as I grabbed onto him. "I love you, too," I returned it as he looked up and kissed my lips. "You're so beautiful," he pulled back and I felt my face turn red under his intense gaze. "What are you doing?" I asked and he leaned down and kissed me again. 

"I just want to remember this," his lips dragged down to my neck and exposed breasts. "That tickles," I squirmed and he laughed. "You're such a baby," he joked and I pouted as he kissed my lips once more, biting my bottom lip.

"Don't make that face," he groaned, fitting between my legs

"You're teasing me," I complained and he kissed my stomach. "Am I?" he asked, "I am just admiring my beautiful girlfriend's body."

"Uh huh," I moaned a bit and he looked up. "Oh?" he questioned, his eyebrows raising and I covered my face. "You're embarrassing me," I sat up, "stop!" 

"Make me," he stood up on his knees and I did the same. "Fine," I grabbed his shoulders and pinned him to the bed as he let me take over.

This was exciting and definitely new. Jessica gave me a few pointers while she and Ricky were dating and I was ready to show him new experiences. "Oh?" he questioned my strength as I straddled his laps; grinding slowly on him.

"What?" he made a face, "where did you learn this?" "I've asked around," I bit my lip, "doesn't feel good, huh?" I asked. I placed kisses on his bare chest as he closed his eyes. "I love this," he relaxed and I lowered myself. His eyes shot open as I got to where I wanted.

"What...woah," he paused, moaning a bit. The noises he made only excited me more as I continued how Jessica showed me. This was really new for me and I wanted to be really good, and from the sounds of it; I was doing a really good job.

After I was done, I sat up and he looked at me; his eyes filled with lust. He grabbed my waist and demanded my lips with his. He removed my underwear and traveled down as it was his turn to show off.

I grabbed his head and covered my mouth; remembering how thin the walls were. I didn't want to be the laughing stock. 

Jessica and Ricky made up enough to take the other room and Tae and Mindy swore up and down nothing was going to happen, so we tried to be as quiet as possible.

He pulled away and climbed between my legs again as I wrapped them tighter around him.

"I love you," he kissed me and I moaned as he slipped himself inside. "I love...I love you," I scratched his back.

"Good," he kissed my neck, biting it, "now let me show you how much."


I sat up and turned to find him watching me. He rubbed my back and leaned closer, trying to kiss me. "Where are you going?" he asked and I got out of the bed. "I need to pee," I tried to squirm away from him. "Pee later, I need to cuddle," he begged and I laughed. "I'll be quick."

I rushed to the bathroom and after done, I looked at my reflection.

My eyes were dilated, my lips red and swollen and my neck covered. Oh shit!

"Darian," I groaned rushing back to him, "how am I going to cover that?" 

"Oops," he chuckled, "well, good. I need to mark you," he pulled me in bed, "you're mine." "Yeah and now the whole world will know. My mom is not going to be able to look at me." "Hey, she's probably busy with Jacob. She won't notice. Ask Mindy to do your makeup," he shrugged. "Yeah, Mindy," I paused, "the girl who obviously still likes me."

"True," he paused, "well Jessica doesn't like you." "Whatever," I laughed as we cuddled. "Hey you started, I was going to take it easy on you until you did that," he made a face. "You liked it?" I asked and he kissed my forehead. "Liked it?" he paused, "I fucking loved it. We have to do that again," he chuckled. "Did you like what I did?"

"It was definitely an experience," I turned to me, "sorry for pulling your hair." 

He laughed louder, "It's cool. I liked it." "Good," I bit my lip, "because I probably won't be able to control it next time." "Good," he kissed me again and we snuggled closer.

"Darian," I whispered his name and he mumbled. He was such an quick sleeper.

"The news you're going to tell it bad?" "Define bad," he began to rub my back.

"Darian." "It's just news," he kissed my forehead, "come on. Let's just enjoy tonight. We'll talk tomorrow. I promise."



"Thank you," I smiled at Jessica as she tried to cover the mess Darian made to my neck.

"No problem," she saved her stuff, "can I ask you a question?" "What's up?" I asked, checking out her work as we walked out of the bathroom when she grabbed my arm.

"What did you tell Ricky last night?" she asked. "What do you mean?" I asked, growing nervous. "I don't know. I mean he broke up with me right before prom and then I saw you two dancing and then he came up to me and said to give us another try. I told him I would try not to be jealous, but I can't help it. You see him," she said as we turned to the guys.

Mindy was sleeping on Tae's shoulder and Ricky and Darian were in line, reading to check out. "Um," I shrugged, "I guess he's cute." "Aw, just because you're with Darian does not mean you can't see that Ricky is hot."

"I guess," I shrugged, "so, you two are back together." "Yeah," she blushed, "and we had sex again last night. It was different, he was different." "Oh," I felt my face turn red, "is that good?"

"Hell yeah," she laughed, "his first time was so bad, but I didn't expect him to be some sex god. Last night, he was so rough and passionate, like he's been waiting for last night. It was amazing," she bit her lip, "I told him after last night he cannot be stingy anymore." 

"Wow," I laughed, "that was a bit much." "Says you," she poked my neck, "look like my boyfriend wasn't the only one eager." "Well," I bit my lip, "I took your advice and we did some new things."

"Oh?" she poked me and I nodded. "It was amazing," I added and we joined the boys.

"What are ya'll talking about?" Ricky asked, going toward Jessica. "Nothing," I spoke up and she laughed. "Last night," she winked, "you know girl talk."

"Jessica!" I shrieked and both of the guys' face turned red. 

"Glad to know we were the only angels last night," Mindy smirked and Jessica gave her a look. "No ma'am, we heard those moans."

"Are you sure, I could have sworn it was Roxie," she tried to deflect and I hit her. "Hey!" I shrieked, "Jessica was between us, there was no way you heard me." "Oh?" Tae eyed his brother, "it's like that brother?"

"Can this please be over?" Darian begged, grabbing me and pulling me away.

"Well, see you later," Tae laughed as he and Mindy hugged, "I'll call you."

"You better," she smiled and they shared a quick kiss.

We decided to leave with Tae. He and Mindy didn't ride back with limo and Jessica had an Uber waiting for her and Ricky.

"So, when are we going to have our talk?" I asked as he loaded the trunk.

"Tonight, dinner?" he asked and I leaned in, kissing him.

"It's a date."

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