Chapter 41

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"I can't believe this it," my mom smiled and pulled me in tightly.

"I am so proud of you, love," she kissed me and let me go, fixing my gown as I stared at her. "I know," I felt my voice tremble, but I tried to be strong.

I turned to the picture on my night stand. "I just wish he was here with me." "He is," she walked toward the picture and removed the photo from the frame, grabbing my hat.

She grabbed some glue and glued our picture on the top of my hat. "I don't know if that's allowed," I chuckled and she shrugged. "Well, if it's not they can kiss my ass," she shrugged, "because he deserves to go across that stage as much as anyone."

"Thank you, mom," I hugged her again, "I don't know if I ever tell you that enough." "You do," she sighed, "oh God. Here come the tears," she wiped her face. "Ready?" Jacob walked in and we turned. "Yes sir,"  I smiled at him.

He walked toward me. "You look beautiful, Roxie," he opened his arms and I walked to him; hugging him.

I was growing fond of the nice man that had my mom's heart. He was sweet and because of him; my mom was able to take more time from work because he helped us financially.

"Let's go," he walked to his truck and we got in; driving to where the graduation was being held; it was a huge building the school had rented out.

We got there with twenty minutes to spare and I spotted everyone; quickly.

"Roxie!" Mindy screeched, as everyone rushed to us. We squealed and hugged each other, jumping around. This was our moment and nothing would stop that.

"Oh, I love your hat," Jessica looked at it, "I'm proud of you." "Thanks," I hugged her, "I am proud of us." 

"So," Mindy pulled out her phone and we took a quick selfie. "This is our last selfie as seniors. We're done with high school." 

"Only to be shipped off to college and start all over," Ricky joked and I made a face. "Speaking of school, I got accepted to NYU!" Jessica screamed and we congratulated her. "Well," I started, "I got an acceptance letter too." "Oh, where?" they turned to me and I felt my face flush.

"California College of the Arts," I told them, "apparently my therapist went there and she wrote me a letter of recommendations because of my letters to Bennie." "Wow," Ricky grabbed me and twirled me around, "that is amazing, Roxie."

"Guys," Mindy started to cry, "we're really almost adults." "I've been grown," Jessica joked and we looked at each other as people began to move around.

"I think it's time to start lining up," Mindy nodded as people were taking their seats. "Roxie," I turned to see who was calling me when I saw Misty and Benjamin with the principal.

I felt my heart began to stammer, but I walked, when Ricky grabbed my hand. "Want me to come with you?" he asked and I looked at our hands and although my mind was screaming yes, I knew I had to do this alone.

"I got this," I patted his hand and he smiled as he left with the group.

"Hello," I started, "Mr. Rivers," I nodded at our principal and he smiled at me. "I know this year has been especially hard for you, Roxie, but you maintained an amazing GPA. I think a lot of students look up to you, because of your strength." "I am only strong because of Bennie," I added and Misty cleared her throat. "I like your hat. Thank you for that," she motioned to my hat and Mr. Rivers turned to it. "Usually we don't approve of custom works, but under certain circumstances I can look the other way."

"Thank you," I sighed, "what is wrong?" "We have a seat set for Bennie; with a gown and hat. I know you're sitting on stage, we didn't want you surprised or confused." "Thank you, for that I mean," I turned back to see that the lights were dimming.

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