Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five


I groaned and rubbed my eye then wincing at the pain I caused myself.

I tried to open it but it was sealed shut.

I struggled to get up and saw Veronica talking to Dantae lowly.

He smiled at her and tried to kiss her but she turned her head so he'd kiss her cheek.

"What the fuck." he whispered.

"I have Elias, I'm not going back to trouble, did you not see what he did to Delaney, I don't want that. I left Puerto Rico when I had the chance and I was happier."

He grabbed her face and forced her to look at him.

"I could protect you more than he can." he said through his teeth.

She grabbed his hand and pulled it off of her face.

"You hurt me too many damn times to make me even think you protected me. We both made mistakes, my first one was thinking I loved you, my second was staying with an abuser."

He removed himself from her and she came in then looking at me and realizing I'm awake.

"How much did you-"

"Why'd we come back here Veronica, honestly." I looked at her.

"My original intention was to see how my abuela was doing, and then I wanted to show you my old life, but then I forgot the bad things that happened."

"I'm going home." I tried to stand but pain shot up my leg.

"Shit!" I winced falling back down onto the bed. "What happened!" I yelled at her.

"That was Marco, who you meet, or the boss. He beat the shit out of you. But I tried to stop him and kind of succeeded but he left you pretty bruised." she looked at me like she regretted a lot.

"Please explain to me everything before I leave and never talk to you ever again."

"No Delaney I didn't mean to hide things from you. It's just hard to talk about." she sat down beside me tears forming.

"I told you what happened to me because I trusted you, but I trusted someone I don't even know." I glared at her.

"You do know me, I'm not this person anymore, I swear. I'm not this slut of a girl anymore. Elias and you both have changed me. I don't want this life ok. Just listen please."

I nodded waiting.

"I was in that before. When I was with Dantae, he and I got into some trouble and to pay the price I had to be a 'dancer' as they call it and he had to help with sex trafficking. It got to be really bad, at first I thought it was fun because I didn't have to go home with them, I just had to dance for them, and in a sick way I thought I was pleasing them. Strippers aren't bad but in my case I became obsessed with it. Dantae brought me to that house and I met the boss and I'd dance for him too but it got a little personal. I was still with Dantae but sleeping with Marco. Dantae knew about it and when he'd take me home he'd get angry and get abusive. For him it was the satisfaction of seeing me hurting. Marco only used me while Dantae only abused me. I thought I loved him because I stayed but one night, my abuela told me to go and help my madre and so I left without telling them. I lived in California with my madre for roughly a year before going to college, and that's when I met you and Elias. I fell in love with Elias and didn't ever plan on turning back. But when I heard from Dantae that my abuela was getting sick I panicked, my abuela doesn't have a phone, she can't afford it. Dantae knew the only way I'd come back was for my abuela and familia. So I brought you here, but once I realized that she was ok I thought it'd be a good idea to show you what my world once was. I forgot for a second who Dantae and Marco were before. I think part of me hoped they'd change. I didn't want you to get hurt, but I also knew that Marco wouldn't hurt me, he'd just fuck me and still hurt you." tears were pouring out as she talked to me. "I'm sorry Delaney, I didn't mean to lie, I just, I can't trust everyone. My dad's just as crazy as Dantae once was. He still is. Listen if you wanna go back to California, we can. I'll take care of you ok? I promise." she held out her pinky. "It's us against the world. Just like I said, please don't hate me forever. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

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