Prologue - Middle

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Prologue - Middle


"Hey love!" Veronica smiled as I walked into her mom's antique store.

"Hunter told me you called and wanted to see me." I looked at her waiting for her to respond in the way I wanted her too, the way I needed her too.

"No, I never called. That's the fourth time this month him actually doing that. But like the hundredth time since-" she thought back and shook her head. "well since the beginning of the year." Veronica looked like she had questions in her eyes and I knew what she was thinking I just didn't want to hear it.

Her hazel eyes told it all. She felt bad, she wanted to say what we were all thinking but she kept her mouth shut which was hard for her to do anyways considering the fact that Veronica doesn't silence herself on anything. She's very honest.

Veronica and I have been friends since last year and since then we've been inseparable.

"Maybe he told me the wrong name again." I whispered turning my heel.

"Hey Laney?" Veronica said as softly as she could.

I turned around and I knew my sadness was showing.

"I love you and when you need me I'll be here ok?" she looked at me waiting for me to nod or show some understanding.

I nodded silently before walking out and heading back home.

Ver tried to tell me but I wouldn't let her. I told her I didn't want to hear it so now she doesn't try to push on that very sore subject.

I knew Veronica's looking out for me and doesn't want me to be hurt but losing Hunter would be one of the worst things I'd ever have to face and I can't seem to let that happen. He's my first love and I always thought he would be my last but when he told me once that we'd be together forever I realized forever was really never.

Hunter and I wouldn't last I knew that but I didn't want to know that. I didn't want to know much that I already do know. Now he's just waiting to be caught. He's practically handing me the signs that we won't last but I keep pretending I don't see the truth.

But I knew from the start. When he first was trying to keep it a secret and then it slowly got more noticable.

We'd get into really bad arguments and they only get worse. Day by day he wants out when I want to be in something that will last, something that seems permanent but nothing ever is permanent.

It was later that night and the sun was setting by now. I debating about going out for a couple drinks but then decided that I needed to talk to Hunter. I can't seem to hide behind the signs.

So I drove for awhile trying to figure out how I'd face this issue head on.

I was out until the late hours of the night before actually returning home. The streets where less traffic hectic but it was still LA, a city that never seems to sleep.

I drove into the garage and made my way up the elevator.

Once I was on my floor I stopped midway seeing Hunter and some girl talking.

Nacy our neighbor came out and gave disapproving looks at him.

"Better yourself young man, I think Delaney deserves someone better than you. Your just a bastard in my book." she hissed before walking towards me.

Hunter ignored her comments and kissed the girl goodnight before she went down the other hallway and he went back into the room like nothing happened.

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