Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


"How is she?" I asked once Veronica came out of her room.

"A mess but she's getting better." Veronica said sitting down next to me.

"What happened to her?" I looked at Veronica and she was debating.

"Well I'm only telling you this because I don't want Laney forgetting plus- shit-" she got up and went inside Laney's room before coming out with a pharmacy bag. "these are important Axel."

"What are they?" I asked.

"Antidepressants. Anxiety, depression and trauma." she smiled at me. "It helps her sleep at night too."

There was more to Stormi than what I knew.

"Why was she acting out now and not before?" I asked.

"Hunter took her medication causing her to go out of sorts. Her medication was supposed to be picked up Monday and the pharmacy called her old apartment. She's probably been pretty angry and sensitive recently."

Spot on right there.

"What happened to her?"

"Not everyone's life is perfect. In time Axel she'll open up. Just give it time." Veronica was quiet.

I remember hearing about her dad.

"Does it have something to do with her father?"

"Her father's the least of it but he has some things that are a problem but be patient Axel because I'm not the one you need to talk to about her, talk to her, yourself."

I listened to the words that she said and shook my head.

Stormi would never.

"You must not know how she really feels about me."

"Remember that time that I told you that you and Laney aren't me and Elias?" she waited for a response.


"She's not me, just give it time and stop being an ass, I know you have a good heart so show it." she kissed the top of my head before going out to the balcony and calling someone.

Her door opened and she looked small, her figure was weak and her eyes told me a story.

Her eyes caught mine in seconds before looking at the kitchen.

"What did you want to eat?" she asked, not making any eye contact now.

I got up and stopped her. "It's fine Stormi I can cook myself tonight."

"No it's ok I can do it." she tried to get past me.

"Delaney please, listen to me. I am able to cook my dinner tonight." I said, demanding her to listen.

Her eyes flickered to me and her eyes turned into a border between me and her. She's closing off.

"Let me do this, please. I don't want pity Axel." her hatred formed again.

"I'm not hungry."

She took a step back and I thought she was going to leave but she didn't, she stood there quiet before turning.

"Axel please just let me cook you dinner. Please, don't put me back in my room."

She never begged me to let her do something for me before.

But her actions spoke more about her character than her words did.

She cared and she was scared of being alone.

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