Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One


I fell in love with my ghosts, well not fell in love, was forced to love them because they are what makes me so far behind in my life, it makes me feel like I'm trying to run and they're holding me back, begging me to stay with them a little longer. To take a look at our story a little longer. To see something I didn't realize before in our story. To make me want to stay, to want to remember what we had and make it seem like it would haunt me for the rest of my life. They are what haunts me.

I walked inside my apartment and Veronica stood up and looked exhausted.

"I called you and then I called Axel!" she yelled at me angry.

"I talked to him Veronica. There's nothing much to be said. Goodnight."

"Wait you talked to Axel?" she looked at me waiting for a response confused.

"No, I talked to Hunter."

"YOU WHAT!" she yelled like she was going into shock.

"I talked to him." I repeated myself.

"Ok I need info right now." she sat down and waited for me to follow.

"It's late. I can't really explain right now." I muttered.

"It obviously didn't go well if you are still upset."

"It went well really." I nodded.

The door opened and there stood Axel a lot more sober than I expected him to be.

He looked like shit.

"What the hell happened to you?" Veronica asked.

He ignored her and walked past me without making eye contact.

I must've fucked up saying shit this morning.

"Veronica I'll talk to you later." I whispered before following him into his room.

I closed the door behind me and he was sitting on his bed silent.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said. I guess I was just angry with Hunter and I took it out of you and I shouldn't have."

"You deserve more than I can ever be Stormi. You deserve someone who can be there for you when your unhappy, someone who won't have to put you in the spotlight. You deserve to be able to love in peace and not in chaos." he muttered.

"Wait, what are you talking about." I bent down and placed my hands against his cheeks and he pressed his forehead against mine. His eyes closed.

"Where did this come from?" I asked him.

"My thoughts. I had an epiphany."

"I did too. Your not leaving, I'm gonna need you in a few weeks and I'm gonna need you to watch me." I didn't want my thoughts to win.

"You deserve-"

"I don't want fucking normal and I don't really care about anyone else but you ok? Can't you accept that I like you Axel!"

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me pulling him close to me but something inside him tensed up and he gently pulled me out of his grip.

"Who were you with?"

"Ok just hear me out."

"Stormi." his voice sounded like a warning.

"I was with Hunter."

"Your fucking kidding me!"

I grabbed his arm before he could leave and pulled him back to me and he trapped me against the wall and lifted me up aggressively, slamming me against the wall in possesive way.

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