Chapter Forty Six

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Chapter Forty Six


Admitting it was harder than I thought. Telling me that my rapist was in the room over talking lowly with Abby. I was ruining a life, to what save my own?

"Don't apologize." Jenna whispered.

I could stop here, they didn't need to know what happened next, they didn't need to know.

I looked at Axel and he knew what was spinning through my head.

"Don't stop." there was determination in his low voice, like he knew something I didn't.

"I was hoping, maybe praying that night that someone would be my angel and there he was. In his jersey from just after having another successful win. He smiled at me like he knew me. I thought he could read my mind. A sign that it was worth another day. But when he asked me for a drink I accepted, just one drink." I scoffed, "one drink." I looked in front of me like it was right in front of me. "The drink was beer and a mix of something else, but I thought it was just the taste of my almost sight to freedom. If he asked me, talked to me of what was going on in my head I wouldn't have wanted to walk out that door anymore. I would've stayed and talked all night about my demons. But that's not how the night went. I felt the touch of someone's hand brush against my thigh but I thought I was just imagining things. By the end of my drink and the short conversation about how well he played football and everything about him, he realized that something was wrong with me. The captain of the football team was going to be one hero." I rolled my eyes and the anger was catching up to me. "He helped me up the stairs and I barely remember it but he got a pat on the back by a couple guys. Took me in a room and locked the door, a different version of a man stood in front of me then the one down stairs."

"Who? Who was it?" Ryan asked, his protective brother instinct clicked in.

"He rapped me and ignored my please to stop. He told me I wanted it. A virgin wanting a stranger to take her virginity." I shook my head. "I guess he never met a virgin that didn't want to be alive. He let his friends see what he did to me and they applauded him. My last couple years in highschool were death itself. I didn't want to kill myself because I already felt so dead. I wasn't motivated to end my life anymore because I already felt dead. He took my life already and every single day I came home I felt unstable. I went to school and was sexually harassed and assaulted, girls were envious of me because they didn't get fucked by him, boys thought I was easy, that they could abuse me like he did. I said nothing, did nothing. Not even Hunter wanted to save me from my hell. I was a slut in everyone's eyes, even my own."

"Who, we can fix this. Who was it Delaney." Jenna asked, begged me.

"He's been under your noses the whole time." I shook my head. "He's my own father's golden boy. His want to be the perfect son." I made eye contact with him and his natural face expression was gone and a new one was formed. The hurt under those eyes. The tears down his cheeks. The same broken I looked in the mirror for years.

"Say his name Stormi." Axel wanted to make me feel free of the pain that he put on me for so long.

Abby walked in and Steve behind her. "She's a liar mom don't listen to her!" Abby screamed causing me to jump.

Steve's eyes were angry and they landed on me except I wasn't afraid.

"Say it." he said. "Say my name like a little bitch you've been. Say it!" he yelled.

"I don't have to say your name Steve, you know what you did. You can play pretend all you want, try to make me fear you like you once did. But I'm not afraid of you. You came into my life to try to get fucked again. You let fear to get what you want." I stood up. "But if you want me to I'll admit that you rapped me that night and ever since then you only want to know you fucked good, that I got pleasure out of it. But I just got another nightmare." My eyes never turned to the other around, they stayed focused on him, challenging him.

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