Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty


I sat on the beach and the wind blew through my hair causing tangles to form but I didn't care at this point. I wanted my brain to stop wrapping around the idea that Hunter fucked me over too many damn times. He hurt me too many damn times that I became numb and forgot to feel pain when I was with him.

I wrapped my arms around my body and watched the sun begin to set.

It was only five and the beach was vacant, quiet and lonely. Made me realize how much I'd regret my decision I made before. But no one was there to stop me, not even Axel, or Veronica, Elias,  my dad, my mom. I made this decision because I couldn't take the response I'd received in my mind. I couldn't take the lashing out that erupted in my mind every time the thoughts came and went. They still latched on and held me tightly, pushing me away from my future and pulling me backwards to a past I don't want to remember. But I know I'll never forget it. Not today, not ten years from now. I guess I'm just hoping for peace.

My phone vibrated and I looked down to see Veronica calling, she must of found out that I wasn't with Axel. That I was somewhere else, and alone, for now.

"WHERE ARE YOU! I know your not with Axel, I just got to your apartment after leaving Axel with Elias at my apartment. I'm sorry I forgot about today. I've been messed up since I found out I'm pregnant. If you're in there please let me inside. I want to be by your side and we can talk about it. I don't know if Axel tried but if he didn't, let me try. It's you and me Laney. It'll always be us against the world <3." Veronica texted me.

"Hey." his voice went through me like a ghost, one of my ghosts.

I shut off my phone suddenly.

"Sit, please." I didn't move, his voice made me fear not only myself but what he could tell me.

Either lies or the truth. I just had to pay close attention of what he'd tell me. After being with him for five years I figured him out more than he knew. But I had to be careful. Even with a pretty face and innocent eyes he was one true monster.

"It getting cold, here take my jacket." he pulled it off and placed it on my shoulders.

It smelt like him, every ounce of him.

He sat and we both looked and watched the little sun we had left disappear behind the horizon.

"This is the most quiet I've ever heard you." Hunter smiled at me.

"Sorry." I said out of habit. "It's different." I paused. "How have you been?"

"Are you really going to ask me how I've been?"

"I still care about you." I looked at him.

"I've been good. Happy." he smiled.

"That's good." I nodded, this was weird.

"How about you? You been doing good?"

"Yeah." I nodded and forced a smile. "No, I haven't been the best."

"Sorry to hear." he muttered.

Silence drifted and the only sound was the wind and the waves.

"Listen at the party, I was drunk and was saying shit I didn't mean. I was angry-"

"They say the drunk words we speak are always closer to the truth than the sober ones."

"I was sober enough to remember the shit, if that says anything." he was quiet then too.

"It still doesn't make sense. How we went through a relationship, our fall out, none of it makes sense."

"We had our own demons Lane. We just never came to each other."

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