Chapter 1: Lane

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Third Person POV

Adrenaline pumps in his veins, makes him tilt his body forward, his hand rotates the handle, causes a rumble in the rush of speed and he feels like he's flying. All he hears is the loud screeching of his motorbike's tires, he can see who he has to dodge and then at the same time---he sees nothing, just the lights passing by him in a lightening speed but in reality, it's him who's passing them.

He always does this---he starts off slow and when the rush and high of this feeling---the adrenaline, the want and craving to be fastest kicks in his senses, he passes everyone until he's alone---in the front.

And his heart thumps loudly all the time but it slows down, gets normal right at that moment when he hears the loud roars of cheers and when he sees the finish line ribbon on his arms as he rips it when he passes it---the satisfaction he feels just before it flies off of him.

He slows down and stops his Kawasaki ER-5. He finds himself lucky to have found this Japanese brand motorbike in the poor area he lives in close to or more like, the area ruled by elites of Cheongdam. It's second hand but Yoongi fixed her for him and now---she is as if brand new.

Cheongdam is rich. Very rich, so fucking rich that Jeongguk absolutely hates it. He lives in the poorest areas of Cheongdam and this wealthy state had few poor areas, unlucky Jeongguk, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok and Seokjin live in one of them.

And Jeongguk should be happy that his tattoo shop is fifteen minutes away from where the rich Cheongdam starts---starts from the ever famous club, Nebula. It brings him customers because many wasted people come to get tattoos yet he still hates them.

He visits Nebula---because of Seokjin and Hoseok working there, it gets easy to get in. Jeongguk looks at the people who are walking riches. Money makes then look good, money makes them superior.

Jeongguk hates that he can't get a proper job in this cursed state. He loves to race, no doubt but if only Cheongdam hadn't taken away all the opportunities from poor, he would've been studying architecture.

Well, enough of that. Nothing's gonna change anyway.

Jeongguk knows it's Cheongdam that has made him---bad.

The ravenette reaches back to the main ground and every one cheers for him---hands touching his shoulder, screams in his ear ring and he makes his way to Yoongi who's standing by the stall with Jimin.

"Here comes the winner, as usual." Yoongi grins and hands him the pack that has money.

"Another win to mark. That was good." Jimin says.

"Amazing." Yoongi corrects.

"Are we going to Nebula today?" Jeongguk asks and Yoongi shakes his head.

"Jimin has to go to his apartment before midnight so I have to repair the spare part which is needed tomorrow at any cost, so---I'm gonna head straight to that." Yoongi says.

"It was so difficult to get Yoongi hyung to agree. But he understands." Jimin says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"So you're overburdening Yoongi hyung because you have another of a special night with your girlfriend?" Jeongguk asks in amusement.

"Yes but sadly, you both can never know or experience it." Jimin says and the two chuckle.

"We don't want to." Jeongguk says.

"Yeah, because you both love being sluts and discarding after using then for one night." Jimin says.

"Oh please, don't act to sweet now. You were the same." Yoongi says.

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