Chapter 11: Bruised

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Pic cred to rightful owner.

Sorry for the mistakes :)

Third Person POV

"I'm pretty sure you don't completely hate the race." Taehyung frowns when hears the words as he's walking towards his car. He didn't expect the other to follow him. He turns around and watches Jeongguk walking towards him.

Jeongguk stops when be reaches him. Taehyung raises his eyebrow at him.

"What do you want?" Taehyung asks.

"Tell me, were you scared when you saw me with them?" Jeongguk asks, amusement clear in his voice.

"No, why would I be? It's not like you'd say anything to them." Taehyung shrugs. Jeongguk smirks, steps towards him---gets a little to close to Taehyung.

"Oh come on, don't lie. I'm pretty sure your soul left your body back there." Jeongguk smiles teasingly and Taehyung scoffs. He needs to get away from Jeongguk because he's too close and he doesn't like it.

"Don't be dramatic, I wasn't scared at all because I know you won't say a fucking word. If you do, you'll be in bigger trouble than I'll be." Taehyung says.

"What makes you so sure I won't say anything?" Jeongguk asks and he's not teasing him, he's serious and it scares Taehyung for a moment, thinking what if Jeongguk really does tell anyone.

No, no he won't. Taehyung is sure.

"You'll regret it if you will." Taehyung utters, his voice comes out a little weak and Taehyung fucking hates it.

"Alright, I won't but you have to admit that you were scared---".

"Fuck off." Taehyung rolls his eyes as Jeongguk teases again, pushes him away by hitting his chest but the next moment, Jeongguk grabs his wrist, pulls him towards himself and Taehyung's breath hitches, heartbeat quickens.

Even in just a dim parking light, Taehyung can see the shine in Jeongguk's eyes and it's the first time he's looking into his eyes, in a situation that is not related to just sex, it's something else, something that Taehyung knows is absolute trouble.

Jeongguk is trouble.

And Taehyung is not ready for it. He'll never be.

Jeongguk doesn't know why he did it, holding Taehyung like this---close to him was never a part of his plan. But he just focuses on the part that he's holding Taehyung's wrist with a bruising force and Taehyung looks surprised and he has a tint of fear in his eyes as well.

Seeing Kim Taehyung scared is what makes Jeongguk a bit satisfied.

"Someone will see us." Taehyung utters in a very weak whisper.

"Tell me, what will happen if we're seen together? If we're seen close like this." Jeongguk says, his body leans forward and Taehyung knows he's strong enough to push Jeongguk away and to free his wrists from his hold that will surely leave a bruise---but he doesn't.

"Your father had done more than enough to fuck up my life so I think I can handle whatever will happen. What would you do if he found out---". Jeongguk leans in, lips now close to Taehyung's ear.

"---if he found out about about your dirty little secret." Jeongguk whispers, hears Taehyung breathe sharply at that.

They're in the parking lot, anyone could see them if they come here. Anyone who knows Taehyung---they wouldn't like it, wouldn't like how he's so close to a guy. And they won't hesitate to tell this to Sungho.

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