Chapter 9: Dimension

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Pic cred Loveis9597

Sorry for the mistakes :)

Warning: mature scene

Third Person POV

Taehyung kept looking at the time. It was close to getting to eight and he was supposed to be in Nebula at nine. He keeps tossing the phone in his hand---drops it twice on the carpet even. He didn't get up from where Daewon left him.

He doesn't want to go. He doesn't even want to hear the name of that damned place and the two people who'll be there he hates the most. He doesn't know in which category he should put his mother.

It's probably twenty more minutes that he keep staring at the ceiling, thoughtless but at the same time---alot going on his his mind. He gets up then, almost hastily and grabs his coat, doesn't forget his scarf and leaves the house he wishes he'll never come back to. He'll get the driver take his car to his house because he's not  taking it.

Taehyung never expected himself to be at the dumper bridge, not alone and willingly atleast. The race had already started, he couldn't get to see Jeongguk start.

But this place is better---far more better than Nebula and Jeongguk's company---as much as he hates to admit---is nice. Of course, it's better than being with Sungho and Daewon.

He doesn't look at the race track but only when Jeongguk comes speeding and takes the win, Taehyung believes he felt the rush when he sped past the others even though he's standing at the way back.

The crowd gathers around Jeongguk and Taehyung goes back to getting lost in his thoughts---he knows he will be in trouble for not being there, for not listening to Sungho---for not being Daewon's puppet but---

He doesn't care at the moment. He never did but right now---he feels like they don't even exist. He's never felt like that and honestly, it scares him---

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Taehyung is snapped out of his thoughts by Jeongguk's voice. His voice is distant and he didn't understand what he said.

Taehyung looks up, eyes a little wide as if startled. He looks at Jeongguk like someone who just woke him up from a dream, he's surprised but thankful that be woke him up.


"Were you supposed to be here?" Jeongguk asks him and Taehyung looks away, well aware to his surroundings now.

"I don't know." Taehyung says, hands in his pockets. He's not looking at Jeongguk.

The racer frowns---looks at him. Taehyung's tired. He looks tired, no matter how much he appears confident.

"You were supposed to be somewhere tonight, didn't thought it'd be dumper bridge, the ultimate hangout place for the poor." Jeongguk says and Taehyung looks at him, not impressed with the dead humor.

Before Taehyung answers him, Yoongi and Jimin approach them.

"Oh, look who's here." Yoongi says in a mocking way. Taehyung sighs. Yoongi gives Jeongguk his money.

"Any special reason to bless us with your presence?" He asks and Taehyung is really not in mood of being in a conversation.

"Maybe wants to repeat the night at Nebula." Jimin smirks. "Looks like the substance did a good work." He says.

"And Jeongguk's dick too." Yoongi utters. If Taehyung wasn't so done with all the shit going on in his life then he'd definitely make the two shut up.

Jeongguk looks at his friends and sighs, they don't know when to stop talking. He shouldn't mind thought and he doesn't because Jeongguk would probably be saying the same if he was in their place.

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