Chapter 7: Blizzard

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Sorry for the mistakes :) short chap.

Third Person POV

"I need to talk to you." Taehyung says the next day at the breakfast table to his father. When Taehyung enters the dining hall earlier, Sungho looked at him, eyes gazed over the bruise on Taehyung's cheek, he didn't say anything.

"About what?" Sungho asks, he's reading the newspaper. Taehyung doesn't know what he gets from it. Whatever, Taehyung doesn't care.

"Daewon." Taehyung says. Sungho still doesn't look at him as if this is not important at all.

"What about him?" Sungho asks.

"I don't want to do this deal---I can't get engaged to him". Taehyung says and Sungho stops reading, looks at him the way Taehyung hates the most, the coldest stare.

In fact, he loves nothing about Kim Sungho.

"And why is that?" Sungho asks, still bored---still not interested.

"He fucking hit me! I don't even want to hear his name now let alone get tied to him in any kind of relationship." Taehyung says, voice raises a bit.

"You're a man, Taehyung---bare it. A slap doesn't hurt that much." Sungho shrugs and Taehyung feels pure anger in his veins---pulse with it.

"Do whatever you want but I'm not going to do this anymore." Taehyung states. Taehyung's mother looks at him, pleads him with her eyes to stop what he's doing but Taehyung won't---he can't just allow both Daewon and Sungho to use him as a puppet.

Sungho folds the newspaper, takes off his glasses and gets up---fixes his suit. He stands behind Taehyung's chair, his hand on his shoulder. Taehyung's mother gets up too.

"I don't think I asked you for your opinion on this." Sungho says and Taehyung gritts his teeth.

"He humiliated me. He hit me. How do you expect me to let this go?" Taehyung says and gets up---faces his father.

"Are you going to argue with me, Kim Taehyung?" Sungho raises his eyebrow, walking slowly towards his wife.

"Euna, ask him, why is he arguing with me? Has he forgotten all his manners?" Sungho whispers, close to Euna's face but loud enough for Taehyung to hear too.

"Ask him---why is he going against his father and being a pussy just because of a fucking hit?" Sungho says bitterly soft, plays with a strand of Euna's hair.

Oh Taehyung loathes him so fucking much.

"ASK HIM!" Taehyung is startled by the sudden voice as Sungho yells, grabs Euna's hair and she winces.

Taehyung takes a step forward on instinct---he's panicked, almost trembling. Sungho has never hurt Euna infront of Taehyung so he has no idea what to fucking do because his mind is a complete mess.

"Tae, just---stop this." Euna says and Taehyung feels like it's him who's hurting her and he's begging him to stop hurting her.

"Listen to your father. Please." Euna pleads. "Now go. Go to your room and rest your mind. You'll be okay after you sleep for a while." She says and Taehyung feels his heart about to rip.

Taehyung wants to tell him that he just woke up---he's having fucking breakfast and he doesn't need any sleep---all he needs is to just run away from here.

"Tell him, he better not say shit like this to me ever again. He knows what I will do to him so this is his last warning." Sungho tells Euna but ofcourse, he's warning Taehyung.

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