Chapter 22: Amethyst

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Sorry for the mistakes :)

💜◇Amethyst has a tranquilizing effect that as it soothes and uplifts at the same time. One if the most amazing things about amethyst is its ability to transmute negative energy into love.◇ 💜

my stone is amethyst btw. Hehe.

Third Person POV

Jeongguk wakes up in warmth that he's never felt in long time. He blinks open his eyes and adjusts to the light. He keeps his eyes still on the ceiling, a buzzing sound in his ears as sleep still hugs him lightly. His mind doesn't bring the flashes if last night even once.

He then pays attention to the heaviness on his stomach, the source of warmth and he lifts his head up, panics a little to find someone sleeping over him but then it doesn't even take him a second to recognize that it's Taehyung---there's no way he can't recognize him even though he cannot see his face.

Taehyung's one leg is dangling from the bed, other curled under it. His upper body is draped over Jeongguk's stomach, head resting a little lower to his chest and one arm around Jeongguk's waist, other curled to his own side. He sleeps with no cover over his body, soft puffs escaping his lips.

The events from last night invades Jeongguk's minds in smallest of fragments. He remembers taking ecstasy and he remembers calling Taehyung, doesn't remember what he said though. He has a blur memory of Taehyung's face in the bathroom and he remembers being tucked to bed, remembers now, the softness that it had held.

The more blurred images he gets are of crying, he knows he had the nightmare again but this time, he was put back to sleep and that person is no doubt Taehyung because he remembers being curled to his body---while the other patted him softly and promising him to never close the door---

And at that moment, that promise was all he needed.

Then suddenly, he starts panicking because Taehyung has seen him at his worst, seen him crying like a baby and a lump grows in his throat at the thought of Taehyung knowing and have seen all this.

Jeongguk was out looking for Taehyung's weaknesses yet Taehyung ended up finding his.

Jeongguk shouldn't care what Taehyung would think about him but he does. Will he make fun of me? Will he take pity on me or will he sympathize?

Jeongguk may have now feel or may be worse---how Taehyung had felt when Jeongguk found out about him and Daewon.

Jeongguk has to wake him up---no matter how much his heart doesn't want to disturb him. Knowing that Taehyung was with him last night, helped him from falling into permanent unconscious and taking care of him---it confuses him but also makes him thankful of Taehyung.

Jeongguk didn't need to wake Taehyung up because Taehyung squirms a little, adjusting his head on the 'pillow' and then he opens his eyes---feeling a sudden pain in his neck, he winces slightly.

Jeongguk doesn't close his eyes, keeps looking at Taehyung---who stayed like this the whole night just for him, close to him---with him. Jeongguk doesn't know why he's doing this, why being so kind and caring---but then maybe, this is who Taehyung really is.

Taehyung immediate gets up when he realizes where he is and how he was sleeping. His wide eyes meet Jeongguk's eyes---who was already looking at him and his cheeks heat up at the stare.

"H-Hi---good morning." Taehyung stutters as he looks away, avoids Jeongguk's gaze and so does Jeongguk, realizing they've been staring at eachother for a while.

Jeongguk sits up, his head feels heavy but it's bearable and not uncomfortable. Jeongguk avoids Taehyung's eyes even though Taehyung's doing the same. He can't seem to be confident enough to look at Taehyung now.

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