Chapter 23: Stardust

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Sorry for the mistakes plz :) boringgggg

We all have the same kind of stardust in our souls

Warning: mature scene

Third Person POV

Taehyung wouldn't say his life was an exciting one. No, it wasn't. Having all the wealth didn't mean he was given the opportunity to enjoy his life and feel all the sparks and excitements of life that there are.

He was not a problematic kid---rather his parents relationship was. He has grown up seeing the two being in a weirdest relationship. Of hate and yet being together in bed too.

Taehyung was not loved like a kid should be. Sure, his mother does love him but she was the same that she is now---scared to show affection to his own fucking son in front of her husband.

Taehyung was made to be an elegant perfectionist for his father and Cheongdam from his childhood so it's obvious that he was not given any opportunity to enjoy his life like he wanted to. Not like a normal kid and a teenager.

It's when he grew up and realized that his father is not a sweet and caring father that people fantasize about. His father was a special case, he was the unlucky one on this aspect and it ruined all else for him. He's lucky only enough to have Namjoon and become an artist---

---and artistry is also taken from him. With all the wealth and luxuries, Taehyung is powerless and can't say no to the business deal, can't make a friend who's not rich, can't fucking run away, can't---help Jeongguk without risking everything.

But he will though.

So, talking about any spark or excitement in his life---was no where to be found on his life. He didn't fall in love, not believing on love after seeing his parents who fucking loved eachother.

Yet it happens tonight, right at this moment---the sparks and rush of excitement flows all through his body, bursting through every fiber of his being---because Jeongguk's kissing him. It's his soft yet brutal lips that mold so perfectly into his own, brutal yet so good that it drives Taehyung insane.

And Jeongguk, he fucking regrets why he made that stupid rule of not kissing Taehyung. Why the hell he didn't kiss him sooner? And now that he's doing it, he can't stop. Taehyung's lips are heavenly, soft and tender and Jeongguk loves how they feel against him, moving sensually and taking away every thread of rationality within him.

Jeongguk's hand moves to Taehyung's nape, tilts his head to kiss him more---deeper and passionate, desperate. Taehyung kisses back with same vigour, arms going around Jeongguk's neck and pulling him closer, loving the way Jeongguk holds him.

The racer steps forward, takes steps until Taehyung's back collides with the wall, he gasps and the kiss breaks for a moment that they look into eachother's eyes and then they're kissing again.

This time being more desperate as Jeongguk presses himself into Taehyung, kisses him because he can't seem to stop, Taehyung's got him addicted.

Taehyung gasps softly when Jeongguk's hands move under his thighs and the next moment, he's picking him up, wrapping his legs around his torso and traps him against the wall. Jeongguk holds onto Taehyung's hips, kisses him again, loves the feeling of Taehyung's finger threaded in his hair and his body flush against his own.

Never he had thought that a kiss would change everything in his life because no matter how much he does and will deny, this changes everything.

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