Chapter 26: Brazen

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Pic cred Xpinpakpom_

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

The night when Jeongguk broke down and Taehyung helped him and they slept in the same bed was different. That night was full of secrets and dreads and crying. That night, Taehyung had to hold Jeongguk because the poor boy was shaken and broken and the only thing he could do at the moment was to whisper sweet promises and hold him close.

That night, Taehyung automatically got something to hold on to in sleep but tonight, he was sleeping far from Jeongguk even in the same bed. And it's like a force on his sleep that makes him search for something to cuddle if he's not holding his blanket or pillow. It just happens.

So it was no surprise for him to find Jeongguk's body in the depth of night, holding his arm close to his chest if not completely circling his arm around his body, his head resting on Jeongguk's shoulder as he sleeps.

And Jeongguk has no idea why he didn't wake Taehyung yet---and why he's looking at him sleep for half an hour.

He feels like a creep? No. He just really likes looking at Taehyung sleep? Yes. Why does he like that? Because Taehyung looks so gorgeous while sleeping. Well, he looks gorgeous all the time but right now, seeing him from up close, utterly soft and no sign of frown or crease on his forehead. He sleeps with no care in the world.

And Jeongguk doesn't mind if Taehyung's holding him while he sleeps. Looking at Taehyung makes Jeongguk feels a certain kind of way and even though he might know what it is---he is utterly scared to admit it.

He's always been scared of such things. Love, affection, loyalty, passion---he has buried them deep in the broken debris of his heart from where they are impossible to come to life---no matter what.

Jeongguk's not brave and will never be because he's not a fighter, Cheongdam's taken that from him and it's impossible to get it back---not when the chaos is all around him and he's right in the middle of it.

Cheongdam has broken his spirit, Sungho has broken his ability to trust and love and have scared him much that he can't even stand up for himself---how can he stand up and defend his love---

---if he ever falls in love, that is.

Jeongguk stops himself just when his hand is about to touch Taehyung's face. He's not supposed to do this. He's being lenient enough to let Taehyung stick around himself or else he knows many ways to hurt Taehyung and have him leave just like everyone else do.

But Taehyung is too damn persistent. Even when Jeongguk tries to run away from him, he pulls him right back, stronger and harder to leave everytime.

Fate just makes Jeongguk meet Taehyung in every turn he takes in his life lately.

"Taehyung". Jeongguk utters, slightly shakes his arm that Taehyung is holding. He doesn't want to wake Taehyung up---wants to let him sleep because he surely was very upset last night even though he tries to hide it.

But Jeongguk knows he can't keep him here. Taehyung himself would not want to stay here.

"Taehyung, wake up." Jeongguk says, shaking him by his shoulder. The artist whines softly and holds Jeongguk's arm more firmly, gets comfortable again. The racer sighs.

"Hey, wake up, come on." Jeongguk moves away, pries away his arm and Taehyung almost sobs.

"Stop." Taehyung whines and reaches for Jeongguk's arm but he sits up.

"Get up, you grown up baby." Jeongguk says and pats his back which makes Taehyung wince and Jeongguk realizes he's hurt.

"Sorry." Jeongguk says sheepishly. Taehyung's now opening his eyes, adjusts to light and then looks at Jeongguk, smiles lazily.

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