Chapter 30: Maddening

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Pic cred kookv_an_oxygen

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Warning: abusive language.

Third Person POV

"Mr. Kim." Jeongguk had let out the words despite the feeling of his throat being clogged. Despite the sudden surprise and a cold shiver that ran down his spine, Jeongguk feels the anger and frustration following suit.

But he doesn't show it, of course.

"Jeongguk, was it. If I'm not wrong," Sungho says and Jeongguk nods.

"It is." Jeongguk replies.

"Nice shop you got here." Sungho says, eyes taking in the whole shop.

"Yeah, I've been told that alot." Jeongguk chuckles.

"Are you here for a tattoo Mr. Kim?" Jeongguk asks at the lack of reply and sincerely hopes this is the case.

"Oh no, young man. I'm too old for that. I'm here to just---talk about a few things." Sungho says and the words leave him in confusion as well as annoyance.

I swear, if he walks about my father---

"The first time I heard your full name, it had reminded me of someone very---close to me." Jeongguk closes his eyes for a moment as Sungho says the words.

"I'm sure you're aware that your father used to work for us?" Sungho asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah, yeah I'm aware but we would not dwell much into talks of work while having a family time." Jeongguk says.

"He was one of the best I had even with lack if education and low rank. He did his work greatly." Sungho says and Jeongguk wants to laugh because he doesn't need to know this, he already knows.

"Yeah. Indeed he was." Jeongguk utters and Sungho chuckles at that.

"You uh---still live in the same house or did it change after your mother got married." Sungho asks. It infuriates Jeongguk that Sungho knows everything yet here he is trying to be nice.

"It was sold to someone." Jeongguk answers. You took it away.

"Oh, where do you live then?" Jeongguk is close to losing his temper because Sungho has no right to ask him anything when he knows it all.

"Here." Jeongguk simply says and he doesn't miss the teasing glint in Sungho's eyes.

"Well, I hope you're doing good here." Sungho utters and Jeongguk nods.

Sungho steps toward the drawing wall, looking at the patterns.

"What do you know about your father's death? It was a tragedy, I know but what do you know?" Sungho asks because he needs to be sure that Jeongguk knows nothing and he's safe from his side.

And that's the question Jeongguk can either answer truthfully or lie, like he's been doing all this time. But he's tired of hiding and suffering. It hurts to see the guilty is living life of luxuries and he's here, living in hell.

And lately he's been feeling a lot less coward and there's a courage inside of him, that's how he was able to kiss Taehyung.

If he lies right now, he'll keep hurting himself, knowing he's only increasing his misery by giving in to the taunting and powerful eyes of the enemy.

And if he says the truth, though it'll bring him a satisfaction and inner peace but he'll be calling upon himself a hell and sufferings and nothing but hurt.

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