Chapter 5: Race

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Sorry for the mistakes :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk doesn't tell Yoongi or Jimin about what happened between him and Taehyung. He's not even planning to tell them. He doesn't want to be judged---not by his friends. Doesn't want them to be---disgusted that Jeongguk fucked a guy again. Not just any guy but Kim Taehyung.

So what if Jimin dared him to fuck Taehyung, it was just a bet---a dare and it was supposed to not be fucking etched to Jeongguk's mind.

Taehyung humiliated him yesterday. Jeongguk thought he'd have power over him atleast in this---in fucking him good and reducing him to a mess but Taehyung managed to infuriate him with nothing else but money. Fucking money!

It was a slap on his face and he never felt such humiliation before. Taehyung used the most cursed yet the most powerful thing to bring him down.

No. He hasn't bring me down. He has done nothing and I won't let him do it again.

Jeongguk thinks it's fair---as much he fucking hates to admit it. He was drunk even if he wanted it and now Taehyung showed him his status, they're done with eachother.

Yet there's still fire inside of him, for him to see Taehyung hurt---doesn't care if it's while he fucks him. He's okay with that.

Taehyung is in Nebula today. He's not alone but he's not with Daewon, he's here with his cousin. Jeongguk doesn't know much about Kim Namjoon except this that he's Taehyung's cousin. His father and Taehyung's father are half brothers---

Kims are a fucking complicated family.

Taehyung's talking to Seokjin this time because Hoseok's shift is on the other floor tonight. Namjoon is talking to Seokjin too and the three are smiling, discussing something so funny that Taehyung's wiping tears from his eyes.

Jeongguk hates his boxy smile, hates that he can seem to hear his laugh just by looking at him. Jeongguk needs to think of a way to have Taehyung not affect him this much. He looks away from the three.

He doesn't know why he feels a little anger towards Seokjin. Why is he talking to the elites? He's supposed to be doing his work and not engage in conversation with those proud rich cousins. He knows him being angry at Seokjin is utter stupidity.

"Why isn't Seokjin hyung bringing the drinks?" Yoongi groans. Jimin isn't with them tonight because another special night with his girlfriend.

"He will, once he's free from talking to the Kims." Jeongguk says bitterly. Yoongi looks at them, chuckles. He's already too high to care about what's going on.

"Finally." Yoongi utters when he sees Seokjin walking towards them with the tray. Jeongguk looks at Taehyung again and the other is already looking at him---he's smirking, the same teasing curl of lips when he gave him money last night. Jeongguk looks away.

Taehyung chuckles to himself. He was enjoying this too much.

"Found new friends huh? Rich and powerful? Got tired of us peasants?" Yoongi asks in amusement and Seokjin scoffs.

"Shut your old ass mouth. I can never fit with them." Seokjin says and Jeongguk sighs. He takes out his wallet, so does Yoongi---to pay for the drinks but Seokjin stops them.

"The money's already paid." Seokjin says and Jeongguk frowns.

"By who?" He asks.

"Taehyung found out that I'm friends with you guys and he thinks of me as his friend so he said it's on him for tonight." Seokjin says and Jeongguk gritts his teeth.

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