Chapter 16: Hues

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Sorry for the mistakes :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk slept through his first appointment which was at one. After he got back from the---outing. He was tired and he didn't care about anything but his sleep.

He's not really a lazy person in the morning, doesn't have problem getting up early. He jogs some mornings or works out in his room using the old stuff he has, a bar on his door and dumbells that Yoongi gave him, doesn't know from where.

But today, it's not morning when he wakes up and that isn't the reason he hasn't got up yet, he's utterly conflicted at the moment because the moment he opens his eyes, last night floods his mind.

It's been an hour since he woke up and he's just staring at the ceiling and thinking about last night. Jeongguk never knew Taehyung was that type of guy who could ever hold such a depth in his heart.

Jeongguk was one of those people who had made a stereotypical image about the rich---and it was only that these people think about others later and money first. They don't care about anyone else but themselves, are egoistic and arrogant---

Kim Taehyung might be all those things---Taehyung isn't. He admits that he's---sassy, either doesn't talk but when he does, he talks alot. He loves long rides, loves to do childish things---well going to a theme parks is childish, for a grown ass guy like Taehyung.

Jeongguk has seen Taehyung being the arrogant asshole, proud of his money and having Jeongguk as dirt under his shoes, showing him his class and where he belongs---Taehyung is all that and now he's shown Jeongguk a new color of him---and it confuses Jeongguk so fucking much.

He has so much more things to worry about and Kim Taehyung certainly should not be one of them because he doesn't matter and he shouldn't matter.

Jeongguk finally gets up from his bed, getting himself ready to have breakfast/lunch with Yoongi, he has another appointment today and a race as well. He's missed calls from Yoongi so he needs to make an excuse as to why he wasn't picking up his phone.



"Taehyung!" The artist snaps his attention to his best friend sitting infront of him when called.


"You spaced out---again." Namjoon says. "Everything okay?"

Taehyung nods and smiles a little at the other who still looks unconvinced. They're having their usual 'breakfast' outing---more like lunch, which has not been happening regularly and Taehyung wanted to spend time with Namjoon too.

"Hey, you can tell me if something's bothering you." Namjoon says and Taehyung wants to tell him that he knows he can share anything with him but keeping secrets from Namjoon doesn't feel right because he knows almost everything about him.

But he can't have Namjoon know about Jeongguk---maybe he'll tell him at some time but not just yet.

"It's---it's all the same old shit. My dad is dead set on making me tied to Daewon and that asshole isn't making anything easy for me either." Taehyung says.

It's not like Taehyung can't hit. He can. He remembers a few fights he and Namjoon got into just because they come from the Kim family but those were just silly fights if jealousy and Taehyung had no problem showing them their right place---

But he can't fight back Daewon because he knows the next thing he'll face will be more hurting, more painful and he will never be able to bear it. Then that hit is either physical or in form of a goddamn business deal right on that moment.

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