Chapter 39: Havoc

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Pic cred kookv_an_oxygen

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"Tae, that's---that's a lot. How did you manage to taken it all alone?" Namjoon desperately says. Taehyung told him everything.

"I'm not a fucking doll made of glass, hyung. I'm strong enough for all this hurt shit." Taehyung says.

"But it broke your heart, didn't it---this love of yours?" Namjoon asks and Taehyung looks at him briefly, looks away again.

"He apologized yesterday." Taehyung says and Namjoon snorts.

"Did he say he loves you?" Namjoon asks and Taehyung sighs.

"No." Taehyung whispers.

"Then why is he saying he won't let you go, won't let you marry Daewon when he doesn't---".

"I don't know, okay. He didn't tell me why he's doing it so I don't fucking know!" Taehyung exclaims, regrets immediately the way he talked.

"Sorry." Taehyung utters but Namjoon leans forward and covers Taehyung's hands on the table.

"Don't say that it's over, Taehyung because it's not. It can never be over. What you both have is not meant to be over just like that---just because you're getting married to Daewon---". Namjoon utters.

"And if he said he won't let you marry Daewon then it means he is willing to risk everything too. He might've been a coward before but he might be willing to fight for you this time---and he will do this only if he loves you." Namjoon says and Taehyung immediately looks at him.

"I told you, he doesn't---".

"I'm sorry but I don't believe that he doesn't love you or else why would he even bother to apologize. He would just go on with his life but he came back to you. As you said, he couldn't stay away from you". Namjoon says.

"Doesn't change anything. He didn't say what I wanted to hear and how can he possibly stand against Sungho---". Taehyung stops when he says the name, the tragic story flashes in his mind.

"Sungho. How can I defeat him, knowing what he did? How should I kill him!" Taehyung exclaims.

"Hey, you need to talk to your mother first." Namjoon says and that's something Taehyung's been dreading. He doesn't know what he'll find out from his mother. He's scared.

A murder. It was a murder that Jeongguk's father witnessed and Sungho found out and he got him killed.

Who was that person and what relationship he or she had with Euna, with Sungho and why be killed that person? Taehyung isn't ready to know.

He already felt his heart torn when Jeongguk told him about his father and his little sister and he wants nothing but to kill Sungho with his bare hands.

Taehyung thinks that he might be successful in finding some long hidden proofs and with Bogum's help---

You're thinking way too far. Taehyung scolds himself because he can't even get a proper grip on himself, doesn't know how to talk to his mother about this.

And he's not angry at her because she definitely would have her reasons to hide it and having Sungho as a husband, she must've had no other choice but to stay quiet.

"It's Monday." Taehyung says, his eyes sad and desperate.

"A world can change it's course in a second, you're talking about days here." Namjoon says.

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