Chapter 46: Giggles

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

mature scene

Third Person POV

It's been so many days since Jeongguk went to his shop and now he's here. The last time he was here was the night of 27th when he was completely ready with his plan to take Taehyung and run away with him.

And after eleven days, he's here and everything has completely changed. Completely.

He has found the love of his life, a reason to live without any doubt or fear of Kim Sungho who's now in jail.

He proposed Taehyung who agreed to marry him, who loves him just the way he is and loves him unconditionally as much as Jeongguk loves him.

Jeongguk can't ask for more because for as long as he knows, he's been craving for love and affection and now he has it, he has Taehyung who loves him and cares for him, gives him affection and already fought for him.

What more could Jeongguk ask for. And he knows that now, he's willing to do anything for Taehyung. Taehyung gives him strength and courage that he never had but now, he'll show Taehyung that he can fight for them too and he'll keep their love this passionate and perfect for the rest of their lives.

Jeongguk smiles, remembering how Taehyung was whining for him to not leave but he told him that he needs to get some things done and also has to pick him up for their date before the lunch time so Taehyung was happy that they'd be spending the day out and enjoy.

Jeongguk has to start his shop properly again, needs to get into the races because he has missed a lot. He's the one taking Taehyung on a date so he'll be taking care of everything.

It's not a luxurious date before Jeongguk can't give him that and after what Taehyung said to him---about wanting to do things he's never done before, like going to a theme park, ice skating or a carnival and Jeongguk wants to take him to all of them.

Yoongi has been staying in his shop all these days, bringing his clothes to Taehyung's place too. His shop wasn't open for work and appointments but Jeongguk will start again after Daewon's hearing that is held day after tomorrow.

Jeongguk was ready, looking at himself for the last time and he thinks he looks fine in his casual black attire. He sighs, wanted to buy flowers for Taehyung too but they won't survive since he's taking his bike.

Jeongguk makes sure he's got everything essential, wallet, phone and keys. He locks the shop and gets on his bike, smiling because he now has two helmets, he had Yoongi het him one for Taehyung.

Even though Taehyung doesn't like wearing helmet and even Jeongguk doesn't when he's with Taehyung but they're going out of Cheongdam and they need to follow the rules.

Jeongguk has a big smile on his lips as he drives towards Taehyung's little house, his heart beating wildly but he's excited, a little nervous because it's his first official date with Taehyung.

He wonders how Taehyung would be looking but anyways, he knows he'd look stunning in any outfit he'll wear.

And Taehyung was pacing in the small hall, ready right in time and was biting his lips because he doesn't know why he's a bit nervous. He's happy of course but his heart is beating wildly in his chest and it gets crazy when he hears Jeongguk's bike stop outside his door.

It's going to be his official first date, and even the unofficial ones were also with Jeongguk. The thought of finally dating Jeongguk has been getting him giddy ever since.

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