Chapter 34: Cinders

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) boring

Third Person POV

"You're upset." Jimin says, looking at Yeon who was sitting a little away from him on the couch.

"He was hurt. I saw it in his eyes---it was too obvious to be---to not be seen." She says, looking at the TV screen and not blinking.

"I thought---I thought I only saw hurt in your eyes when we were about to break up few months ago. You were hurt and so was I but---". Yeon pauses.

"I couldn't even look at his eyes because that emotion was so---so strong and it felt like I'm looking at---at a bright light that you can't look at for more than a second." Yeon says.

"I feel so bad---".

"Hey, you haven't done anything wrong. Don't feel bad." Jimin says, reaching for Yeon's hand but she keeps them held in fists.

"But I did. I can feel it because I was involved in this. He wasn't looking at me and only at Jeongguk. When I opened the door, he looked so worried and I knew he was upset---scared even. His expression gave away all." Yeon says, rocking her body back and forth a little.

"And then he just---he looked like he'll just break down right there and then when I said those agonizing words to Jeongguk. The words didn't mean anything to us but I'm sure they meant utter hurt to Kim's son." Yeon says.

None of them were very keen of the Kims. They all believe in the stereotypical image that has been set of the elites and that's all, they follow it blindly.

Lee Jiyeon, for the very first time, feels nothing but sadness and sorrow regarding a Kim and the only Kim she'd ever feel this for. She can't believe it but it's true and she feels utterly guilty.

"Jeongguk must know what he's doing, Yeon. We don't know what's going on and we shouldn't interfere anymore. Just, relax and forget it." Jimin says but she shakes her head.

"I tried but I can't forget it. It's something about his eyes---his wide, tearful and hurt eyes that whenever I close my eyes, I see them and they rattle me." Yeon says and Jimin sighs.

"He probably deserved it, okay. He's a Kim for God's sake. Who knows what he would've done to Jeongguk?" Jimin says and Yeon looks at him, frowns.

"He's a Kim, doesn't mean he isn't a human and no matter who he is, no one deserves to have their heart broken!" Yeon exclaims.

"Woah, hey. Why are you talking about heartbreaks? It's not like they're in love with eachother or something. That's impossible." Jimin frowns.

"How is it impossible? It's normal to have feelings, to feel attraction and people fall in love---it's not in their control. You're in love, I'm in love---just like millions of people put there." Yeon utters.

"I don't know why you're so upset about this. Kim Taehyung can't fall in love with a poor---more to---a guy. His father is a homophobe---".

"It's love, between girls or boys or a boy and girl, it's love. Why can't a Kim fall in love and Park and Lee can?" Lee Jiyeon asks.

"They're different from us Yeon. We and the elites don't belong on the same---".

"We're all humans, Jimin. We all have feelings and we all can fall in love." Yeon interrupts him.

"Yeon, just forget it, please---".

"I'm tired, Jimin. I'm going to bed. Goodnight." Yeon mumbles and gets up, walks to the room, leaving Jimin in the TV hall.


"Tae, I got you breakfast. Come on, darling, get up." Euna comes to Taehyung's room, sighs when she sees the last night's dinner untouched.

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