Chapter 18: Drowning

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk follows Taehyung outside the room. It's the first time he's in the Kim mansion and he's trying his best to not look around because it indeed is an amazing place. Everything looks expensive and Jeongguk wouldn't even dare to touch them, fearing he'll break them.

But it's all money and lavishness---it doesn't give a feeling of 'home' at all. Jeongguk's eyes stay on Taehyung's back as he follows him. He thought they'd go to his room but they were going outside.

"How did you got here?" Don't mind Taehyung, he has an ability to be dumb sometimes. Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"With one your father's men." Jeongguk answers. Taehyung stops by a car and turns around.

"Can you drive?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk frowns.

"Yeah but I don't have a license--". Jeongguk stops as Taehyung throws his car keys towards him, the racer catches them.

"Drive." Taehyung says and opens the passenger seat.

"But I don't have a license." Jeongguk says again.

"Please." Taehyung says in a way that Jeongguk has nothing else to say. He keeps looking at him when Taehyung gets in the passenger seat.

They're outside the Kim mansion, Sungho or Daewon could've seen this---heck any guard or someone else could've seen and still can but all the worries vanish at the moment.

Jeongguk goes to the driver side and he hesitates to sit in the car because he has been only on old ones, usually those which Yoongi repairs or a few years back when he was among toxic people, he'd drive their cars but this is not like that.

It's an expensive one and it's Kim Taehyung's car. Him sitting next to him while he drives will be---he doesn't know how he feels about it really. He remembers the last time he was in his car, can't believe they went to eat together.

Taehyung's looking away from him and Jeongguk looks away from him as he starts the car, needs to get far from Kim mansion. He's careful as he drives, the car runs smoothly---it feels so nice to have drive this car but it's just one time because he can't afford it even if he works all his life.

"Where to?" Jeongguk asks, feels like deja vu.

"Far". Taehyung mumbles.

"Can we though?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung closes his eyes for a moment.

Even if we want to, we can't. They both know that.

"Your place." Taehyung says and Jeongguk thinks why the other is doing this. He's well aware that his father will keep a check on them yet he's still with Jeongguk.

Taehyung confuses him so damn much.

"Does my father know you before?" Taehyung asks after a moment.

"No he doesn't know me, Taehyung. I think it's obvious." Jeongguk says.

"But why do I feel like---he knows something about you or your family, prove me wrong please." Taehyung utters.

Taehyung frowns and looks at Jeongguk when he's met with silence.

"Jeongguk?" Taehyung utters, looking at Jeongguk who's eyebrows are furrowed and his grip on the steering is tight.

"Does my father know---".

"Keep quiet." Jeongguk interrupts him.

"He does, doesn't he. He knows something and so do you and you need to tell me what's---".

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