Chapter 33: Taint

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Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung had told his mother everything. There was no point in hiding anything anyway. Taehyung wanted to let it all out and he did. Euna looking at him with a sad expression, kept caressing his hair.

"I tried to stay away from him. To not call him and stop calling him but---he, he became a constant in my life and even if we'd only be fighting but atleast I'd be close to him." Taehyung says.

"It was supposed to be just---just deal that we talked about but I don't know when did it start and I---I just fell and now it hurts so much because he's not there to hold me up." Taehyung utters.

"I just feel so stupid, mom. I knew this was risky and not allowed. I knew from the very start that I'll be in big trouble if Sungho found out but---". Taehyung pauses.

"I was so happy in these past few days. I---I sat on a bike and we went to a long drive at night, we ate together and we laughed while chasing eachother." Taehyung sniffles.

"We went to Cheongdam top even. We talked about stars and we---we kissed under the stars." The memory makes Taehyung cry harder.

"My baby." Euna whispers, her heart hurting for her son watching him break like this.

"I didn't realize that this was not supposed to happen. That this is something I'm not allowed to do but I had no control over my heart---It just happened---It just happened." Taehyung whispers.

"I asked Joonie hyung how will I know if I'm in love and he said everything that I was feeling. He said I'd do anything to see that person smile and I was so happy when Jeongguk was smiling and laughing after I told him his shop won't be take away." Taehyung says.

"And he's right because I'll do anything to never see him hurt, to always see him smile. I'll fucking kill for him!" Taehyung exclaims in tears, an outburst.

"I'm so proud of you. What you did for him and for his shop and back there today---you were loyal to your love and you fought for him. And that's something not everyone can do, Tae." Euna assures him. There's nothing else she can say.

"Why am I so pathetic?" Taehyung says a little angrily.

"Oh no, no Tae, you're not pathetic. You're my brave boy and you're so patient and kind and so strong. You always stand up for good and I'm so proud of you." Euna says, ruffles his hair gently.

"Mommy's proud of you, my darling." Euna places a soft kiss over his hair.

"Do you think he'll forget me?" Taehyung asks, tears dry on his cheeks.

"What you two had, it's not easy to forget. More for you but on his part too, it's not easy. After all, it was not a childish thing." Euna says.

"Just consider, if things go all good and this Cheongdam is a good place---would he then consider loving me?" Taehyung asks in a weak voice.

"Tae, everything happens for a reason and we don't know what we'll be facing tomorrow and all we can do is hope and also fight for the best because----".

"But I know what will happen to me. Sungho will make me sign the papers, I'll be fucking engaged to the person I hate with all my heart. And then he'll break me. He'll break me." Taehyung says and Euna is about to say something but Taehyung speaks again.

"I used to be confident that I won't let him hurt me but I'm not anymore---because I feel already broken and I know---I won't stand a chance against his cruelty." Taehyung says.

"I'm sorry I can't do anything for you, Tae. I know you hate me for being so coward and not be able to fight for her own son---".

"It's not your fault mom. I don't hate you. I never had and I salute you for being with that monster and still alive." Taehyung says.

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