Chapter 21: Talisman

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Pic cred to mooon_dall

Sorry for the mistakes :)

Warning: use of drugs. Minor self harm and depressive thoughts.

Third Person POV

Taehyung has been staring at the steering wheel for a few minutes ever since he got in in his car. The short walk from Jeongguk's shop to his car was so fucking difficult because he didn't want to leave.

He has no idea what that feeling is called but he wanted to feel it again, the feeling of being in Jeongguk's arms, close to him without glaring at eachother or shouting. Despite the situation, it felt so---comforting---so secure.

Even when suffering, unknowingly---Jeongguk had made him feel secured. That's something Taehyung want to so for Jeongguk too. He doesn't want to ever see Jeongguk as hurt as he was earlier, still is.

Taehyung left feeling just the same as Jeongguk---an emotional wreck and he had no idea from where to start, how to start---from stopping his father no not break hell upon Jeongguk.

To all those people a-actually. Not just Jeongguk---but all those people who will be getting homeless, I want to help them---not just Jeongguk. Yeah---

Taehyung shakes off his thoughts, needs to calm the turmoil in his head to think properly of the way to start his---plan or whatever to stop his father and Daewon from being the monsters and cause destruction that would be impossible to reverse.

Taehyung closes his eyes and Jeongguk's eyes---full of pain and hurt, flash before him and he immediately opens his eyes, a chill runs down his spine at the mere memory and he doesn't want to ever see it.

He's seen his mother crying---or more like, trying her best not to cry when Sungho treats her like shit---he has seen her broken through her eyes---dead from inside and probably living just because---

Taehyung doesn't even know his mother.

Taehyung has never felt this much hurt by seeing someone else in pain. He admits, not even for his mother---not to this extent atleast. He'd anything, anything to not see that pain in Jeongguk's eyes again  but it seemed impossible at that moment.

He doesn't know how he stands where he's willing to do anything for Jeongguk's sake---from the where he once stood to hate him.

But he's wrong, he doesn't know that it's neither the worst he's ever seen a person break and neither it's the worst of Jeongguk's pain.

Taehyung has to do something really soon.


Nothing had seemed to work. Nothing at all. The first day after Taehyung told him everything, he had hidden himself in his room---numb and feeling nothing.

The next day, he had went to see Yoongi but spaced out in the conversation, didn't know why he was even here when his mind was thoughtless and he was not able to feel anything.

He didn't take any appointments, didn't open his shop for anyone because he wasn't there at all. He wanted to get away from that suffocating place but still he didn't want Sungho taking it away from him. No matter how small and suffocating it is.

Jeongguk didn't count but all the calls he got were from Taehyung and it made him turn off his phone. Third night, he went to a long drive on the same road he took Taehyung---felt the wind caress his hair and face but not his soul this time because couldn't fucking feel.

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