Chapter 13: Plethora

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Pic cred. Mijin

Sorry for the mistakes :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung knows he's gonna ruin everything if he panics right now. He's panicking right now though because that's natural. Jeongguk's in his house and Daewon is outside and he knows he's going to fuck up if he won't stop panicking right now.

Jeongguk is calm and he's stepping towards Taehyung, his feet making no sound at all. Taehyung turns to him hastily, grabs his arm.

"Don't---don't say a word. Go inside the room and---and hide. Just, hide." Taehyung whispers and Jeongguk looks at him with a  frown because Taehyung looks scared. He is scared.

"You need to relax---".

"Kim, open up." Daewon's voice rings again and it sounds impatient.

Why is he even here? Taehyung can't allow Daewon to have his shitty ways in his house too.

"Get in there." Taehyung tugs on Jeongguk's arm and pushes him inside the room.

"Get in the closet or---bathroom or whatever but don't come outside." Taehyung whispers so low as if a little more louder, he'll be heard.

"Okay. Okay." Jeongguk says and Taehyung closes the rooms door, leans against it for second---takes a deep breath.

Jeongguk moves aside a little, leans against a wall because he's not hiding in a closet or bathroom like a fucking child. He knows Taehyung won't let Daewon get in this room.

Taehyung on the other hand, walks towards the door. He doesn't want to see Daewon or to talk to him but knowing the other, he'll definitely not leave until he's done what he's here for.

Taehyung wonders what he's here for.

"What do you want?" Taehyung asks, stopping when he reaches the door.

"I knew you'll speak. Can't dare not to." Taehyung hears Daewon's disgusting voice.

"I asked, what do you want? Why are you here?" Taehyung says.

"Open up and I'll make it quick." Daewon answers. As much as Taehyung doesn't want to, he has to open the door because Daewon won't go and he will break the door if he has to.

Taehyung wants to make it quick so he opens the door but just a little. He sees the dirty smirk on Daewon's lips and he hates it. He hates him so much.

"Speak." Taehyung utters and Daewon laughs. Taehyung doesn't know what's so damn funny.

"Your father sent me here." Daewon says, steps forward but Taehyung stays put.

"This is my house and I won't let you come in." Taehyung says and that's his plan from the starts but Daewon steps again and this time, he pushes Taehyung, the artist grabs his hand that's about to touch him.

"Don't even think about touching me, this is my house and I don't want you here." Taehyung utters, pushes Daewon's hand away as harshly as he could.

"I can't go against your father. He wants to know what you're doing here and I'm doing my work." Daeown shrugs and Taehyung knows he's lying. Sungho never interferes when Taehyung comes to this house.

"You've seen me now so leave." Taehyung says but Daewon doesn't. Of course he doesn't. He walks inside and Taehyung's heartbeat accelerates.

"This place is so small. Doesn't match your standards." Daewon says.

"I don't care about that." Taehyung says, walking behind him.

"Well, it's just a few days you'll be here right?" Daewon smirks, the teasing and evil glint visible in his eyes.

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