Chapter 38: Hyacinth

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung wakes up in the middle of the night, feeling utterly hot and sweaty. His stomach feeling weird all of the sudden and the moment he opens his eyes, his head starts to ache.

Taehyung places his on his mouth, getting out off the bed and rushes towards the bathroom. He kneels, empties his stomach in the toilet, tear sting his eyes and the headache feels like a hammer being hit on his head.

Taehyung lazily brushes his teeth, regrets drinking big time and he swears he'll never do it again. Walking back in the room, his eyes fall on the note on the side table and he frowns.

Eat something before you take a painkiller for the headache. Make sure to sleep after that. Drink lots of water.

That's all that the note says and Taehyung does remember Jeongguk being at Nebula, he remembers dancing---with Jeongguk but everything starts getting blurry after that.

It's a possibility that Jeongguk got him home he is sure he was utterly drunk.

Great. Taehyung has been successful in making a fool out of himself in front of Jeongguk.

Taehyung curses himself for being an idiot and drinking. He never drinks but he does admit, he felt no worry at that moment as if he's the most happy person in the world. He even danced in Nebula dancefloor and he never dances.

He liked it and he hopes he could enjoy so much more without getting drunk.

Well, it's good that Jeongguk brought him home or else he knows he'd just ruin his perfect image made infront of Cheongdam's people.

Not wanting to dwell into any thought, Taehyung goes back to sleep.

He has a fucking party to attend work Daewon tomorrow which is arranged by Daewon's father in celebration of the fucking engagement.


Taehyung was nervous, not because he was surrounded by Daewon's and his father's bloody friends but was nervous because Namjoon will be here too and he hasn't told him anything about the engagement. Now that Namjoon must've found out, Taehyung wonders if he'll be mad or not.

Namjoon's coming to the party right from the airport and Taehyung wanted him to just go home and have a good bath, sleep and then they'd talk and Taehyung would easily explain him but he guesses not.

"Hi." Taehyung smiles when Namjoon walks towards him. Thankfully, Taehyung is greeted with the usual cute dimpled smile.

"Hi, Tae. How have you been?" Namjoon asks and Taehyung sighs but smiles.

"I'm okay. Tell me, how's Lena? How was your time there with her---".

"You got engaged, finally." Namjoon utters and Taehyung chuckles.

"It was bound to happen. There was nothing I could've done to stop it and I'm so sorry that I couldn't tell---".

Now, Namjoon is not a guy who initiates any skinship, isn't really a touchy type but it takes Taehyung off guard slightly when he hugs him before he could complete the sentence.

"Hyung---". Taehyung utters but he hugs back.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here---".

"No, no. It was me who didn't tell you anything and I'm sorry for that." Taehyung says, voice breaks a little as he let's himself be in his bestfriend's warm embrace.

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