Chapter 42: Breeze

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Pic cred kookv_an_oxygen

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"He's shot! He's been shot! Please---". Taehyung was in emergency ward, Jeongguk on stretcher as he calls for the doctors.

Two nurses come running towards them and Taehyung keeps looking around for doctors.

"Call the doctors, he needs to be operated!" Taehyung exclaims.

"Sir, we'll take this from here." A nurse says.

"Where is the doctor! I need him in a complete---".

"Please try to understand, the doctors will see him in the operating room." The nurse said. The other ran towards the operating room to call for the surgical procedure.

"You can't go inside." She says but Taehyung doesn't let go.

"Please, sir. You can't go inside the operating room." She says again and softly pushes Taehyung's hand away and the artist can do nothing rather watching with tearful eyes as Jeongguk and the nurse disappear in the operating room and the light turns red.

"Mr. Kim, you need medical assistance too." The officer that drove with them says and Taehyung glares at him.

"Don't call me that, don't ever call me a Kim." Taehyung says and the other nods.

Taehyung takes a deep, shaky breath, sits on one of the chairs by the wall and grabs his hair, his leg bouncing and he bites his lips, tastes the blood and his whole body is shaking.

He's scared. He's utterly scared. Jeongguk's face was so pale and his beat getting feeble but he could feel his lovers warmth, his body was not cold and Taehyung would've gone out of his mind if he wasn't feeling Jeongguk's heartbeat all the way to the whatever hospital near them.

Taehyung could feel the tears on his cheek, warm just as they leave his eyes and slowly turning cold when they reach his chin and fall down.

It's going to be okay. We're going to be okay. Taehyung was sure in his heart but the fear comes naturally when your lover is being operated because he got shot, fell in water, was drowning and that was his biggest fear.

Taehyung did anything to save him. He knew how to swim but the thought that had come in his mind at that moment, we're drowning, it did something to Taehyung, as if a heavy weight was on his shoulders and he was taking Jeongguk down in the water rather than on the surface.

If Bogum wasn't there--- Taehyung doesn't even want to think about what would've happened.

Taehyung leans back, head resting against the cold wall, his clothes wet and hair dripping but he doesn't care. He just wants Jeongguk to be alright, to hell with the rest of the things.

The nurse comes to him and gives him the hospital clothes and tell him to get his wounds treated. Taehyung sighs but nods and gets up, following the nurse.

"How long do you think it'll take them operate?" Taehyung asks.

"Depends on the condition and it takes a few hours and sometimes one hour only." She says and it doesn't do any good.

Taehyung changes into the baby blue hospital outfit and the nurse treats her wounds.

"Thank you." Taehyung mumbles and the lady smiles at him.

When Taehyung comes out of the room, he sees Bogum standing with the other officer, changed into casual clothes.

"Bogum." Taehyung utters and rushes towards him, hugging him tightly and Bogum hugs him back.

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