Chapter 10: Tame

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Warning: mature scene and language

Third Person POV

When Taehyung is in Nebula, he's either with Namjoon, talking with either Hoseok or Seokjin and the other scenario, he's here with his father or Daewon---desperate to leave this place.

He never looks around, never cares what's going on.

And he is here tonight, he's alone and he's watching, he's watching very carefully and intently at the person who probably doesn't know he's here.

Jeongguk's high, Taehyung's seen him take his pills more than twice, it's enough to get a person lose sanity for a while atleast. Yeah, one experience in his life was enough to tell him that.

The two guys with Jeongguk, whinge doesn't know the name of are with girls. One looks a cute couple, laughing and giggling as they get up---probably leaving and the other, the one who gave Jeongguk his money, is making out with the girl.

Jeongguk however, is talking to a girl---she is wearing the uniform of Nebula staff and she's not working when she should be. Taehyung watches, how Jeongguk flirts back and Taehyung smirks yet he hates it that Jeongguk didn't listen to him.

He doesn't like when people don't listen to him---atleast those who are under his control.

He takes out his phone and type a message, he got Jeongguk's number from his shop card---for easy communication you know.

Jeongguk hadn't had his ecstasy for three days. He was dying to get it in his system. He's not an addict but ecstasy makes him forget the problems of this shitty for as long as he's under it. He's high tonight, he can feel it and he doesn't care when Yoongi kept telling him to go slow. He doesn't want to listen to him.

He'll be fine, he's not an addict and Jeongguk knows he'll be fine.

Jeongguk has been notified this serving girl be too much bubbly with him for past month. She's new and it shows---doesn't know she can get fired for not working.

Jeongguk would take her to the back room and fuck her but it's not exciting even a little bit now, even ecstasy doesn't make him want to do that---Taehyung doesn't want him to do that.

Jeongguk shouldn't give a fuck about him but it's a rule and he really doesn't want to get on Taehyung's bad side, knowing the other can ruin him in seconds.

His attention in diverted by the ding of notification. It's and unknown number, he has to blink a few times to adjust his eyes to the screen.

Breaking the rules, I see. The message says and Jeongguk frowns.

Ehos this?

Yup, Jeongguk's wasted and Taehyung knows.

Take a guess, tattoo boy.

Jeongguk frowns and then it hits him, rules---rules, they always remind him of Taehyung. Jeongguk looks at his side of the club---finds Taehyung at the very end of the booth, that's why he couldn't see him today. Taehyung's looking at him and he's looking at him intently.

How do u hv my numer?

Don't overburden your pretty little head with that for now and get a grip on yourself, if you break the rules, you know it won't be good.

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