Chapter 15: Eleutheromania

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Pic cred bon_voyageKV

Sorry for the mistakes plz :) boring

Eleutheromania (n.) : an intense or irresistible desire for freedom.

Third Person POV

Jeongguk's mother once said to him, when she was finally leaving Cheongdam---that he's not the only person who's suffering. Everyone is caught up in some bad phase of their life from which they desperately need to get out.

Then at that time, money is not helpful even a little bit. Fate doesn't sees age or money, just like death so when fate decides to fuck up your life, no one can stop it. It has to happen.

But for all the right reasons, everything happens for a reason yet Jeongguk never found out what that bitch of a reason is that he's suffering in Cheongdam. He knows he won't be getting to know that reason anytime soon.

She said everyone is sad somehow, have reasons to cry to their pillows at night just to get up and smile, go back to the shitty routine again. This keeps happening until there's something, that comes as a change---a someone maybe but it takes time, patience and a lot of hurt to get used to that change---the rest, well she didn't say because she was just about to go to through that change herself.

Jeongguk has gone through alot of shit and he thought he's the only one but he knows Yoongi hasn't had he ideal life at all, Jimin and his girlfriend neither but none went through what Jeongguk did---Yoongi maybe. Seokjin and Hoseok smile because they have reasons behind it---Jeongguk doesn't.

Change. Jeon Jeongguk will never label Kim Taehyung as a good change in his life. More of a headache and bitchy change and a change---which has started to become a part of his life.

And there's no way he can let it get permanent.

And he has realized at the moment that it's not only the poor who suffer. Maybe suffer won't be an appropriate word---he doesn't know what is but he admits Taehyung's going through shit at the moment, doesn't make him change his thoughts about him but still---

Jeongguk knows what it is to not not have parent's love, to have a father's love fade away and here Kim Taehyung's life is being ruined by his father---Jeongguk's was treasured by his father.

And then again, it's the 'father' feud that made Jeongguk hate the rich and especially the Kims.

So hearing the words---which he wasn't even expecting---from Taehyung were surely a surprise and he definitely can't let this coward just run away after exploding from emotions just now.

So his body moves, almost at instinct when he sees Taehyung rush towards the door and he grabs his wrist, feels the other tense at the sudden contact.

Jeongguk doesn't know why he stopped him and it probably doesn't matter---having to know Kim Taehyung more, to know what depth he holds in his heart kind of got Jeongguk curious and it wouldn't hurt to know more about Kims even though he knows enough.

Taehyung is turned around, is tugged back by Jeongguk and he stops before he collides with Jeongguk's chest.

Jeongguk's eyes are not hard on him this time, they're firm---as usual but not the intimidating type, never have been---his eyes don't scare Taehyung---rather they make him want to keep looking at them.

Jeongguk's eyes are black and deep as if an endless abyss and Taehyung feels himself getting lost in them, falling in the depth with no end. Taehyung finds Jeongguk's eyes beautiful. He doesn't and would never deny that---

---now matter how much hatred or conflicts stand between them.

Jeongguk's hold tightens on his wrist unknowingly to him but it makes Taehyung feel it because it makes his stomach churn with a weird flutter.

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