Chapter 25: Intoxicating

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Pic cred Yurieem

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Eleven at night is a pretty early time for Jeongguk to sleep. He doesn't sleep before midnight, it's a natural thing for him but he had won a race tonight and was was tired when he got back, doesn't take a shower and gets into sweatpants only, through himself on bed and under the soft comforter.

And he doesn't appreciate the loud knocking on the door that stirs him awake from his sweet slumber.

"Why the fuck would someone be here?" Jeongguk mumbles in irritation as he gets up, rubbing his eyes.

"Please open the door." Jeongguk stops in his tracks when he hears a very familiar voice but filled with panic.

Jeongguk rushes towards the door and opens it, revealing a panicked Taehyung.

"Taehyung?" Jeongguk utters, his eyes taking in the two bruises on his face, Taehyung's hands curled on his chest are covered in little blood.

"Jeongguk---". Taehyung says but doesn't complete when Jeongguk grabs his arm and pulls him inside, looking either say if the shop before shutting the door and locking it.

Jeongguk turns to Taehyung who seems a little shaken.

"I had to---I had to run away and hide and I didn't know where else---to go." Taehyung stutters and looks away from Jeongguk's curious eyes.

"What happened?" Jeongguk asks as he steps forward. A bruise has formed on Taehyung's cheek and his lip has a cut. Jeongguk knows who did it and this time, it infuriates him so much---so fucking much.

The only bruises that look good on Taehyung's smooth golden skin are the bites and hickeys given by Jeongguk and he bruises of his hold on him when he fucks him---other than that, Jeongguk will not let anyone bruise Taehyung at all.

He doesn't know from where this possessiveness comes from but he doesn't like this, seeing Taehyung hurt and practically shaking infornt of him, he doesn't like it.

"I just---need to hide." Taehyung says, feels so ashamed to say these words because he had been so confident infront of Jeongguk about not letting Daewon and Sungho hurt him yet here he is, running away and shaking just because he knocked Daewon unconscious.

Jeongguk didn't believe him at first but won't believe him at all after this.

"Just---don't tell them I'm here if they come knocking at your door." Taehyung says in a small voice, looks down and takes in a shaky breath.

Jeongguk looks at him with firm yet soft eyes. The racer then turn off the small lamp lit in the small hall and grabs Taehyung's wrist, where he isn't hurt and then starts walking upstairs.

Taehyung's eyes stay on back of Jeongguk's head, tries his best to not let out a sound because if the pain he feels in his back but he just focuses on the tingly sensation he feels of Jeongguk holding his wrist.

"Sit". Jeongguk says as he softly pushes him towards the bed. Taehyung whines in pain when he sits, forgetting that his back is actually hurt. Jeongguk looks at him and he quickly changes his expression to a normal one.

Staying in silence, Taehyung's eyes follow a shirtless Jeongguk as he goes to bathroom and comes out with a first aid kit. Taehyung forgets all about the mess he's created outside as his heartbeat goes wild when Jeongguk sits next to him.

It's something about Jeongguk's presence that completely changes Taehyung---makes him lose his senses, his rationality and honestly, that's the person he wants to be---be a person with no care in the world.

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