Chapter 29: Strawberry

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Sorry for the mistakes plz :) boringggg

Third Person POV

Taehyung wasn't sleeping on their way back to Cheongdam this time. He was was eating strawberries that the restaurant lady gave him for free when he spotted them. Taehyung insisted on giving money but she denied and was persistent.

Jeongguk wasn't going fast this time, taking time on the road and enjoying the softness of the wind on his face.

"You sure you don't want some?" Taehyung says from behind, holding a strawberry on his hand, arm slung over Jeongguk's shoulder and it's the third time he's offering Jeongguk strawberry.

"Alright, give me." Jeongguk is about to grab it but Taehyung extends his forward to feed Jeongguk the strawberry. Jeongguk chuckles and eats it from Taehyung's hand.

"Why do you like strawberries so much?" Jeongguk asks, gulps when Taehyung rests his chin on his shoulder.

"Because they're sweet and juicy." Taehyung says and Jeongguk scoffs.

"And people pretend to be sweet but in reality, they're not. They're bitter. And I love strawberries because they don't lie. They're actually sweet." Taehyung says.

Jeongguk has a dumbfounded expression and he knows Taehyung would've laughed if he saw his face right now. 

You're truly something, Taehyung!

"Remind me to not ask you any question now." Jeongguk says and Taehyung at that.

"You're just stupid." Taehyung says and Jeongguk knows he. He's stupid and idiot and a fucking coward.

Jeongguk doesn't drop Taehyung all the way to his house like last time because they can't afford to be seen together again by the stalking eyes.

"I can walk with you to your house---". But Jeongguk offers nonetheless.

"I came here myself, I can go back just fine. You should go to your place." Taehyung says and he gets off the bike.

"A walk would be nice anyways." Taehyung says and Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah, okay." Jeongguk utters.

"Take the other road, down the bridge. It'll be easy from here." Taehyung says and Jeongguk had already planned to do that.

"I will." Jeongguk says.

"Okay. So---goodnight." Taehyung utters, cold breeze making his hair dance in his cheekbone softly.

"Yeah, Goodnight and uh---thanks." Jeongguk says and Taehyung shakes his head, smiles.

"You don't have to thank me, Jeongguk." Taehyung says and Jeongguk sighs.

"But I wanted to." Jeongguk means it.

"Okay. Okay, go now. Shoo shoo". Taehyung dismisses him and Jeongguk laughs, throwing his head back.

Taehyung looks at him with a soft smile, how his bunny teeth are on display, eyes crinkled as he laughs with a contagious sound.

Taehyung keeps looking, unable to looks away---because this Jeongguk is what Cheongdam has been hiding under her brutality, taken away his ability to feel or trust or even laugh.

Taehyung admits how beautiful Jeongguk looks while smiling, laughing---excited, eyes shining with all the stars and Taehyung wants it to become A constant. Wants it to never fade away---

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