Chapter 4: Style

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Sorry for the mistakes :)

Warning: mature scene and language.

Third Person POV

"What took you so long?" Daewon asks when Taehyung sits in the car.

"I was still on the call or I would've come in and see." Daewon says and Taehyung wants to tell him that he doesn't care what he wants or do.

"He was busy." Taehyung says and Daewon hums.

They don't talk while they drive back. Taehyung is so worked up that if Daewon had spoken a single word, he'd lash out on him.

Taehyung feels stupid once again. He was supposed to be done with Jeongguk once and far all, hurt him but he literally gave him another chance to be smug---to fucking touch him again.

Taehyung shouldn't have said that. He shouldn't have told Jeongguk to make him feel good again. Seriously!?

Kim Taehyung, you're so stupid, dumb and an idiot. Taehyung is damn sure he is.

He was supposed to not give in to that idiot's approach. That's what he wants and Taehyung just gave him another chance to overpower him. Taehyung knows he'll lose---he'll lose to that stranger either way.

He will lose if he won't go to him, the other would think he is scared and has admitted defeat---Taehyung can't let that happen. And then on the other hand, he'd lose because he knows that asshole will make him feel good.

What? Taehyung groans lowly. What am I even thinking? He thinks he's gone mad.

Since when do Kim Taehyung want to be fucked by guys? Well not really guys but just a guy. He should despise the person that's Jeongguk---and he does, he fucking loathes him.

Taehyung will show the stranger that he's not that majestic as he thinks of himself. He knows how to handle people like Jeongguk---very well.

Taehyung tries to remember his name. Hoseok spoke his name when he approached them in Nebula---but he doesn't remember it at all.

He doesn't know why always Sher Khan comes to his mind when he thinks about the strangers name.

Mowgli? Jungle book? What am I thinking seriously?

Well, he'll know soon enough. Taehyung can't wait to have his way with him. It's the first time someone made him feel so weak and helpless---Taehyung's father is---well---he is an exceptional case.

That stranger is the first person from outside of Cheongdam, from outside of the elite class---a fucking poor commoner who had made him feel so weak. Taehyung can't let it just be.

Taehyung is a Kim. A fucking Kim. He let's his father's tactics rule his mind sometimes---as much as he hates it, his mind gets corrupted by Kim Sungho and he becomes his father. Brutal

He'll handle the stranger like a fucking Kim. Money---is a bitch. Taehyung smirks.

Daewon drops Taehyung infront of his house and the artist doesn't even look at him and gets out of the car and walks away.

"That attitude, Kim. You better lose it before it's too late." Daewon mutters to himself and grins. He shakes his head and drives away.


Rich people and their goddamn fashions. Daewon doesn't come to his appointment and why would he? He doesn't fucking know how precious time is for Jeongguk. He can't afford to waste it. He could have another appointment set instead of this asshole's appointment.

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