Chapter 28: Deceit

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Sorry for the mistakes plz :) boring

Third Person POV

Taehyung was sitting on the passenger seat with a small yet contented smile on his lips. He was looking at the sky all the time that they were driving down from Cheongdam's top---Jeongguk's words repeating over and over again in his mind.

You're hella beautiful in all the way just right now. Just the way you are.

You don't have to burst into something beautiful because you already are. If you say we're like stars than forget supernova---laugh and enjoy while running among the stars.

And that kiss, that soft and passionate---utterly beautiful kiss they shared just moments ago, it's feeling Taehyung can still feel on his lips and he knows he'll never forget that.

They both knew they had to stop before everything surfaced---truth, many hidden in the depths which had to stay there they are because the moment they are know by any---anyone, hell will break lose. They know that very well.

So it's better if Taehyung get to feel the happiness he feels because of Jeongguk and all the time he spends with him lately before his life becomes hell itself. More that it already is.

He's okay with Jeongguk not knowing what impact he and on him and what he will do for him just to see him smile like he was tonight. He'll do that by keeping everything to himself because Jeongguk will not be smiling if he knew what Taehyung's hiding in his heart.

Taehyung doesn't know how he got to this point where even seeing Jeongguk smile makes his whole fucking day bright and his night peaceful.

You would give away everything just to see a damn smile on their lips. Taehyung remembers Namjoon's words and he gulps.

You would do anything, Taehyung. Taehyung closes his eyes, the starry sky disappearing into pitch blackness and he sighs, doesn't admit it---can't admit it because he's scared. He's utterly scared.

"Take the car to your shop please." Taehyung says when they're near Nebula.

"Are you sure?" Jeongguk hesitantly asks. "I can walk, it's fine."

"Stop talking and do as told." Taehyung mumbles and Jeongguk rolls his eyes. He takes the direct road that leads to his shop and stops the car infront of it. He two stay like that, not moving or saying anything.

"Uhm, thanks for the toast. I had a good time." Hearing that from Jeongguk makes Taehyung's heart smile and he smiles widely, was fearing Jeongguk might ignore him like he did after the first kiss they shared.

"I'm glad you did." Taehyung says and Jeongguk nods.

"Goodnight." Jeongguk says. He wasn't really looking at Taehyung and the artist really wanted him to. Jeongguk gets out of the car and Taehyung's eyes follow him as he walks towards his shop and disappears inside.

Taehyung sighs, the smile on his lips has vanished and also a little from his heart but he's still contented. These are the things he's experiencing for the first time and he'll enjoy them, no matter what hell awaits for him. He's happy tonight, he really is.

Are you, Taehyung? Are you happy? He didn't even look at you. Taehyung chooses to ignore his subconscious.

He called me beautiful. He kissed me back. Taehyung agrees to that for now.

He moves over to the driver seat and with a deep sigh, he drives to his little house.

On the other hand, the moment Jeongguk shut the door, he leans back to it, sliding down and sits on the floor, his emotions getting the best of him.

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