Chapter 17: Exposure

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Pic. Cred vigooo9597

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Daewon knows. He knows I was with Jeongguk last night.

Taehyung's head was stormed with so many messed up thoughts and he felt like his head might explode.

What if he knows other things too! Everything me and Jeongguk have done---

No, no he doesn't know that. Taehyung didn't know why his heart was giving him surety admist all the mess that Daewon doesn't know anything at all. Whatever he knows has been covered.

But he can't help but worry still. If Daewon knows just a little then he might want and definitely would want to know more, will not stop till he finds any of Taehyung's secrets to degrade him infront of his father.

Daewon wants full control over Taehyung and he'll not hesitate to use lies and manipulation while doing so.

Taehyung wants to see Jeongguk, ask him everything that happened and he also knows it will be risky to meet him without any precaution and immense secrecy---

But Taehyung wants to see him and he doesn't know why he wanta to see him right now.

Taehyung picks up his phone and dials Jeongguk's number, the racer picks up at the second ring.

"I knew you'd call." Jeongguk utters and it infuriates Taehyung how calm he sounds while he's here losing his mind.

"You shithead, how are you so calm about this? That fucker knows we were together!" Taehyung almost yells.

"Trust me, you handled the situation quite well." Jeongguk says.

"Yes but he won't stop now. He'll keep his eyes on you and me and if he sees anything out of ordinary, he'll tell my father and all he'll speak will be exaggerated lies." Taehyung tells him and Jeongguk knows that.

"Well, that only means you should either burn those paintings or get them invisible and we should stop seeing eachother." Jeongguk says.

And Taehyung hears no shit about the paintings but only the last sentence and he doesn't know why he felt as if someone just blocked his breathing for a second.

He says nothing on response, his eyes stare at the wall of his house and he has no idea why he's feeling as if he'll just, cry.

Taehyung gulps, clears his throat. "Yeah, yeah maybe you're right. This is the only way we can stay away from---from whatever Daewon will do." Taehyung says, hears Jeongguk's humming on response.

None of them say anything then, silence follows Taehyung sighs.

"Did he say something like---threatening to you?" Taehyung asks. Jeongguk frowns because this certainly can't be Kim Taehyung worrying for him.

"No, he just said you're being rebellious and you're father and he are worried about you and they need to know what you're upto." Jeongguk replies and Taehyung laughs bitterly.


"Do you think your precious soon to be fiance will leave me alone because I don't wanna be part of this shit." Jeongguk says and Taehyung can't explain the ugly feeling about the way Jeongguk says this.

Jeongguk has all the right to talk to him like this, bitter and coldly, mean to hurt but Taehyung---hates it. He fucking hates it and he hates himself for feeling like this.

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