Chapter 20: Medieval

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Pic cred. tjkv0901

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung was successful---as usual---in keeping his expression blank and eyes as cold as possible infront of the two people he hates the most in the world yet his heart was threatening to beat out of his chest and he had to clench his hands into fists inside his pockets to keep himself as calm as possible at the moment.

He thinks maybe he misheard it but he's very much attentive to this word, dumper bridge and there's no way he would not hear it. Everything related to Jeon Jeongguk has Taehyung very much attentive.

"How's that even possible? If you have to destroy everything in between Nebula and the new club you're planning to construct---you'll have to buy a lot of land." Taehyung says. He doesn't know what he's saying but he has to say everything that's a possibility if this project being fucking bullshit.

"I can afford that alone but having Daewon invest with me makes it easier---why would you think I can't afford that?" Sungho has a knowing smirk on his face, challenging Taehyung or more like waiting for him to say something that can cause him trouble.

Taehyung now is sure that Sungho knows the Jeons and he doesn't really like them.

"You'll be getting a lot of people homeless and I don't think they'll let you."

I'll fucking make sure you won't do this to Jeongguk---or anyone. Taehyung wanted to say but he has to stay calm.

He knows he'll fucking go nuts here and lose his temper if he stays for even a second more but he wants to know more, wants to see how many extremes of cruelty can Sungho and Daewon cross.

But they've already crossed all the limits. Taehyung takes a deep breath.

"Why wouldn't they let me?" Sungho asks in clear amusement.

"As far as I know---they may be poor but they're way stronger than you are and they sure know how to fight." Taehyung says and it's true. They're stronger because they work so hard to have something to eat for atleast twice a day and a roof over their heads.

They're hard working and patient, suffering yet not giving up---so poor is a wrong word.

Taehyung feels ashamed to be an elite so many damn times just because of the image his father and the Lee family has created of the rich in the whole fucking Cheongdam.

"Why are you so concerned about them? Or are you concerned about someone?" Sungho raises his eyebrow and Taehyung very well knows who he's talking about.

Taehyung laughs and the other two frown at him.

"Honestly, I'm concerned about you because I can already see this project failing but anyways---". Taehyung looks at the decided map of the area and shakes his head, a smirk on his lips.

"Good luck." Taehyung says, looks at his father who's not so amused anymore but when he looks at Daewon, he's smirking and it does scare Taehyung because he was confident for only showing off, he himself has no idea how this project will not fail.

His father and Daewon together can buy that goddamn place and the race track will be gone, most probably Jeongguk's shop too and the thought makes Taehyung's head spin, his heart aching at the thought of how Jeongguk would react---

---how broken he'll be---more than he already is.

I'm scared of water--- and Taehyung had knew Jeongguk is scared of drowning. His face when he told Jeongguk this, how his eyes were so scared as if Taehyung's the one who's drowning him and how fragile he looked---

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