Chapter 3: Parlor

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Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung wakes up with a bitchy headache. The moment he opens his eyes---he feels the hammering pain in his head and his vision is still blurry, spinning and his body aches---every inch of his body aches.

He shuts his eyes closely, his mind blank and not able to decipher any occasion of the previous night, he's not even sure if it's night or day but the brightness through the curtains does tell him that it is light outside.

Taehyung clutches the duvet, eyes open and he sighs as his vision clears. He feels disgusting, smelly and tired. His vision spins again when he sits up slowly.

Taehyung's eyes widen when he pushes away the duvet. He's naked---well, he's naked till his knees and he's not stupid to know why his body is sticky and be has slight pain as well, not stupid to what must've happened.

And then it hits him---almost all of it. He remembers following a stranger and he remembers he's the one who brought him to this room. They were supposed to talk but them he remembers things in blurriness.

Being in the stranger's arms, his eyes so intense and bold.

I'll make you feel good. Taehyung feels so fucking stupid.

Taehyung looks at the two glasses on the table---stares as if he could break them just by looking. He remembers.

His touch was so bold and Taehyung remembers asking for more. Whatever fucking drink he was on, he had never felt like that before. He was stupid to drink. So stupid.

He could've just say no to him, find some random girl and have a good fuck anyway but no, last night wasn't in his luck. He did have one night stand but completely different this time.

Well so what if he was drunk? The girls he fucks are also drunk and he himself is in a state closer to that because he wants to forget but it feels different to be on the receiving end.

Everything felt so much intense and Taehyung hates it that he was asking for more.
It's no lie that the stranger fucked him and Taehyung knows he was crying---crying because it felt so damn good.

No, no! I am not like this---I don't---
Then why did I like it? Why did I ask for more?

He blames it on the alcohol even if he took a few sips.

It scares Taehyung because this is completely new and if his father finds out?!

People tend to be more true when they are drunk and if I'm not gay then I should've told him to stop even if I was in his control---I should've spoken the truth---

Truth---the only truth right now is that I liked it. Taehyung gulps. How one night has made him think like this---a completely different perspective of his life.

But Taehyung hates it. He's not like this and he knows this. Taehyung gets rid of his pants, breathing heavily and he feels angry, more on himself for making a fool out of himself.

No! He's Kim Taehyung and he hates himself right now. He hates that stranger more.

That handsome stranger--- stop, Kim Taehyung!

Taehyung stays in the bathroom longer,  trying to not blame himself because no matter what---it happened  because of his own stupidity.

How could he trust someone---a stranger---a fucking stranger! so easily?

What was he thinking? Way to go!

His father can't know or else his life will be hell. The old man had already made it hell for him but it'll get worse and worse if he found out that his only son got fucked by a guy.

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