Chapter 2: Brutal

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Sorry for the mistakes :)

Warning: mature scene. both are under influence of drink. I don't want to see those 'r' word comments. Kindly.

Third Person POV

Jeongguk's cursing himself. This is not what he's supposed to be doing because this is not what's supposed to happen at any cost. Kim Taehyung is supposed be a fucking arrogant asshole just like he's hurt---Kim Taehyung is supposed to be disgusted even just by looking at him but he's not.

Kim Taehyung is following him, like a puppy follows its owner and despite the turmoil of mess in Jeongguk's mind---this brings him a little satisfaction that for once---an elite is following him and not the other way around.

"Do you want to tell me something about---me? Is it my father---or---". Jeongguk stops, Taehyung does too.
Taehyung knows everyone in Cheongdam is aware of them---The Kims---they know the Lee family and they knows what they are---brutal and unforgiving. Taehyung admits that his father is but he's not.

He maybe spoiled, loves to wear expensive clothes just because he can but it's for the show off but people who hate the Kims---hates all of them.

Jeongguk doesn't like looking at them but right now, he does. He looks at Kim Taehyung, properly---from head to toe, takes in the expensive demeanor he possesses. He looks at his face then and he admits he's good looking, all rich people are because money makes them look good.

And Jeongguk doesn't know if it's money that makes Taehyung look fucking gorgeous right infornt of him.

"It's---about you." Jeongguk speaks and stops staring before he makes Taehyung uncomfortable and make him run away.

Taehyung frowns, he doesn't know what he did and certainly he's no high---he didn't drink so why is he following a stranger. It could be a trap.

"Listen, I'm sorry but I've got someone waiting for me so---I should go." Taehyung says, turns but Jeongguk grabs his wrists---never though he'd be doing that either but tonight seems to change alot of things.

"Hey!" Taehyung frowns, eyebrow set in a mild glare.

"Trust me, it's really important." Jeongguk has no idea what the fuck he's doing---ecstacy got him a little too high than it should, he blames it on the substance.
He has to win a dare because he never runs away from them. And it'll be fun to play with a Kim.

Kim Taehyung doesn't roll that way---neither does Jeongguk---they take girls and Jeongguk knows perfect little Taehyung will be freaked out but if Jeongguk could---for once have a control over an elite---over a Kim, he certainly can't let this chance go.

He has many ways to get Kim Taehyung listen to him.

"Okay. Talk---here." Taehyung says. Jeongguk hasn't let go of his wrist, he holds it harshly---any chance he'd get to hurt him, he'll take.

"No. Not here. There are people and it's not safe." Jeongguk says and Taehyung interprets him, his voice sounds serious---his eyes does too and Taehyung knows he's not dumb to listen to a stranger just like that and why would a stranger come to him and now---he rude like other people have been cursing at him for being a Kim.

This stranger makes Taehyung want to listen to him. There's something about him that has made Taehyung still not jerk away his band from his hold.

And Taehyung thinks---what if this guy has something to tell him about Daewon. That asshole tends to hurt people alot and has many people who hate him, Taehyung included and if he gets something against him---
Taehyung thinks too much sometimes.

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