Chapter 14: Labyrinth

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Pic cred to rightful owner

Sorry for the mistakes plz :) boring

Third Person POV

Jeongguk is in Nebula. Yoongi, Jimin and Yeon, Jimin's girlfriend is here too and they're celebrating his win, a very important win. He got more money than he used to this time and he's ofcourse, content at that.

He and Yoongi are fine now---the argument three days ago has not been discussed again as if it never happened. This happens everytime though---whenever he and Yoongi have this wild bickering, the next day they pretend it didn't even happen and it's better if it is forgotten. Jeongguk wants to forget it.

Yet you won't stop taking that shit in your body. Jeongguk hates his subconscious sometimes or---most of the times.

And it's been three days since that incident in Taehyung's small house. Incident---yeah, that's what it was. It was obvious that Taehyung didn't want Jeongguk to know and why would he, he couldn't have any poor guy know a secret of an elite like him.

Not that Jeongguk would use this information against him. He can't do that because it's a secret and definitely Daewon's secret too. Of his men found out Jeongguk knows something about this---Jeongguk doesn't know that would happen to him.

It kind of gives Jeongguk a satisfaction, knowing Kim Taehyung---who tends to keep him in control because of money---is actually under control of someone too and it's not Daewon but his dear father.

Jeongguk thinks he has one thing common with Taehyung atleast---they both hate Kim Sungho.

But Jeongguk's not sure if Taehyung really does hate him. He should---considering what his father is making do.

Marry or get engaged to a person like Lee Daewon---Jeongguk would rather be perished than do this.

Jeongguk has gone through alot of pain---alot of hurt and shit and he is still going through alot. Cheongdam has fucked him up and made him strong---to bear pain and not be an emotional mess like he used to be.

His mother doesn't live in Cheongdam, she lives in Busan---where she belongs---where Jeongguk should be but he can't. She's married to a rich man and Jeongguk hates rich people.

But she loves his mother, may not be good at expressing it but he does love her but he misses his father more than he misses his mother.

In these three days, he tried not to think about Taehyung's situation and it made him laugh once, how utterly fucked Taehyung is and he tries not to think much about it---tries.

"Jeongguk---hey". Jeongguk is snapped out of his thoughts at Seokjin's voice. He's preparing the drinks for them and Jeongguk is here to get them. The racer gives him a small smile as the older gives him the tray.

"You seem tensed." Seokjin says and Jeongguk doesn't know why this statement catches him off guard.

"Huh? No, no I'm not---I'm not tensed." Jeongguk smiles but it comes out as a grimace. Seokjin hums, doesn't pry because he gets that Jeongguk doesn't want to talk about it.

"Uh, hyung---come with me, join us." Jeongguk says. "I can't have you not being a part of this little get together just because of your shift."

Seokjin chuckles at that. It's not Hoseok's shift today so he's sitting with the rest at the booth.

"You go have your time, Jeongguk---I have work to do." Seokjin says and Jeongguk pouts a bit.

"It's been so long since we have time together, come on." Jeongguk presses but Seokjin shakes his head.

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