Chapter 19: Room

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Pic cred bonvoyage_kv

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Warning: mature scene and use of drugs

Third Person POV

I won't let them hurt you.

I won't let them hurt you.

I won't let them hurt you.

The words have been repeating in Jeongguk's mind ever since Taehyung left the shop. The warm and tingling sensation is still there and even if it goes away physically, Jeongguk would still keep feeling it.

All this time, he's promised himself to never start feeling because they make a person weak. It had made his father and mother weak and they ended up badly.

He had promised himself to show no kindness and remorse towards the rich because they do nothing but destroy the lives of people like Jeongguk and his family.

Taehyung is the only exception who moved out of the image Jeongguk had created for the elites, other than that---they are all the same---bad, brutal and cruel.

Jeongguk hates Taehyung for making him feel this way, so confused, frustrated yet also calms him too. Like he did today when he saw him sitting in Sungho's study.

Jeongguk has no idea when did everything got too deep between them to the point that they are involved in every turn they take. Or more like, Jeongguk finds Taehyung in every turn he takes recently.

He should've known it was a risk to involve himself with Kim Taehyung. He was being too daring at the moment, wanted to show the others that he can have Taehyung under him and wanted to show Taehyung that he has a control over him.

He didn't know that Taehyung would end up having control over him instead.

Sure he agreed to have sex with Taehyung just to get money because why not? The sex was good---amazing and Jeongguk didn't want anything else from Taehyung but he has no idea when things got---serious.

He wasn't supposed to get involved with the Kims. His father did and look where he's now. Jeongguk doesn't want to be brutalized by the Kims, more specifically Kim Sungho---he doesn't want to go through what his father did.

He won't get himself be a part of all this shit. He wants to live a peaceful life and even if he's struggling for money, he's fine with it. He, in no way---want the Kims to be involved in his life.

And in the middle of hating Kim Taehyung, Jeongguk got to know Taehyung who's not a Kim---who's anything but a fucking Kim lately.

You're scared of drowning. No, no he's not---at least that's that he tells himself because he finds it absurd, the thought of not being able to swim and being scared of the depth of water is hideous for him and he can't just be scared of that because of---

Jeongguk closes his eyes, his head suddenly starting to ache. He runs his eyes, groans in frustration because who the hell is Taehyung to tell him what he fears and what he fears not.

But he is scared of drowning and he's never been told that. This had been buried deep inside him and now Taehyung had put light to it and the fear jas starting to creep even though Jeongguk is not close to any water depth.

Taehyung confuses him so much and he makes him so damn angry and frustrated. Jeongguk gets up from the couch and walks towards the stairs and to his room. He opens the drawer hastily, finding he syringes in it.

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