Chapter 37: Auburn

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Pic cred hisasihun

Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

"Prepare as we will watch the flames burn auburn on the mountain side"

-I see fire, ed sheeran. The Hobbit.

Third Person POV

"You shouldn't have opened the door." Taehyung says to Euna who frowns.

"Why not?" She asks.

"Because I don't want to hear what he had to say and don't want to see his face! You know that". Taehyung says.

"Maybe he came here to apologize. You never know, Tae. I'm sure he---".

"Are you serious, mom?" Taehyung looks at her in disbelief.

"All I'm saying is we should've let him in and let him talk. It doesn't change the fact that he has hurt my son and I'm very mad at him for that but we should've atleast listened." Euna utters.

"Oh yeah and did he stay here for you to listen to his bullshit? He ran away". Taehyung says.

"Well, you ran away first, to your room." Euna shrugs and Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"I'm being serious here, mom. He said he's done with me. He doesn't care for me and doesn't feel the same about me and we said goodbye to eachother so there's nothing to talk about and nothing to hear." Taehyung says.

"He knew my feelings yet he---he did that and I'm never gonna forgive him for this atleast." Taehyung says, a lump grows in his throat.

"I don't know why he came here and I seriously don't fucking care. I tried my best and if he did too then I was ready to leave all this behind for him, I would've done anything to stop this deal but I would've done it!" Taehyung exclaims.

"I know---".

"No, no you don't. That I why you're saying that we should listen to him. You can talk to him all you want but in will never do such a thing! The engagement happened and I'm gonna accept whatever that's gonna happen now." Taehyung says, looks away from his mother.

"Tae, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to---".

"It's okay mom. It's not your fault that you see good in everyone even after they---even when they're not good." Taehyung says and Euna looks at him with desperation in her eyes, knowing very well who he's talking about.

"It's true that I thought your father might change but I stopped looking for any good in him long ago. Now I know he can never let go of the evil that invades him." Euna softly says.

"Then leave him. Divorce him." Taehyung says and Euna chuckles sadly.

"We both are Cheongdam's perfect couple. Sungho will never let this happen. He can't take a hit on his ego of being a good husband because he knows everyone will accuse him for not being good enough that 'oh, Sungho's wife left him'. He'll never hear those shameful words." Euna says.

"You still care about his reputation when he has literally ruined you." Taehyung says.

"I'm used to it now, Tae. It doesn't affect me anymore. I'm just happy that I'm not entirely alone because my son is with me." Euna ruffles Taehyung's hair.

"You know, you can stay with me after you divorce---". Taehyung says and Euna bursts into a soft laugh.

"You said you're gonna let time take it's course and follow it then you should know you're engaged and will be leaving this house." Euna says, her heart saddens at that.

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